In Groups: Van Impes Variations: Viewing All | Rexella Van Impe Rexella Artist [a2513685] Edit Artist 51 For Sale Discography 1 - 9 of 9 Sort Show 1 - 9 of 9 Show Add to List Videos Edit Add a Video You are ignorant and still in your sins. couldnt stop laughing! They are NOT accredited for actual degrees. But God called me a Christian Strategist(had never heard the term, but now that I have seen another, I am relieved). The BETRAYAL of CHRISTIANITY , by Jack Van Impe. | argoweaversblitz, REJOICE RADIO [RBN] from the studios of Pensacola Christian College will once again bring you two days worth of financial swindle ,they lovingly call:A SHARE A THON. The funny thing is they have names remarkably similar to actual universities that ARE credible. There was always room at our table. (, International Seminary in NOT accredited but their website tries very hard to convince students that many of their credits will still transfer to other schools that ARE accredited. You pray for me while Im taping the TV program, I said. That is all and that school has no religious programs that I know of, however there is a Master in Asian Science. Also, the tone I took in this piece is anything but politically correct. One more error about a pastor finishing his degree. Now an unaccredited degree (although there are some reputable programs out there) may not sit well with most people. The Jews would have compared it to the concept of the all-knowing and powerful wisdom of God that holds the universe together. The danger is in the following. You dont understand the issue. Like the beautiful queen of Bible times, my mother, Esther, was skilled at finding solutions and a place to be of service. Jack Van Impe Ministries P.O. That doesnt mean I am ignorant, because I know the founding fathers were smarter than mebut I recognize and honor greatness. Repeating a prayer does not bring peace with God. I prefer Jesus to Paul, who said call no one your father, teacher, or leader, because God is your Father, the Holy Spirit is your teacher, and Christ is our leader. They are not a read educational institution. Then, putting my face close to hers, I whispered, Will you be praying tomorrow? And she said, Yes., And she softly replied, I love you more!. Indeed, Gail is a snake among snakes. Working on that daily. If you want to honor somebody, give them a plaque. Esther the queen was a very resourceful woman. The most disgusting part about this unnamed person Every sizable city in every state has a street and/or boulevard named after this fraud. I assume you never attended an accredited seminary or Bible college or else you would know that they are far from liberal. The highlighted line said, Death to the Christian means heaven, happiness, and Him!. (. It will have been a long journey. This guy actually sells a free product called Miracle Manna. She was a great prayer warrior. The promise of this Jewish homeland was first given to Abraham (Genesis 12:1 3), and it has echoed through the centuries. Notable Alumni (Benny Hynn, Ken and Gloria Copeland, and some lesser known preachers). Dr. Mike might the worst of the worst. Earned Masters of Divinity, from Talbot Theological Seminary(. Brand-new video teaching from Drs. Too often their descendents have been disobedient and have suffered defeat and captivity as a result. Hes been to a handful of actual institutions and actually completed some form of coursework. Thanks so much for writing. Of course not. Anyone can have peace and joy today no matter the circumstances when they place their faith in Christ A great message for you and one you will want to share! But often people get a subpar Dmin to get the Dr. attached to their titles. 53:5). Here is the address: 500 Oxford Drive, Dayton, Tennessee 37321), Doctor of Ministry, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary religion, philosophy, and counseling (This is a real school that I highly doubt we graduate from since they dont have Doctorate degrees that include religion, philosophy, and counseling. Liberty University is an actual accredited university and they are currently the largest Christian university in the world! Their survival in the face of almost certain annihilation must be called miraculous. But a greater peace is promised by the prophets-individual peace with God. The Millennium will bring economic peace. If I did it was by mistake and I need to fix it. (, PBU is another single building unaccredited diploma mill. Look up Forbes, Best Schools, or any other rating of universities and try to again make your claim. Why isnt John MacArthur on your list, since he has honorary doctorates. And trust me, there is no comparison. Like Abraham Lincoln. (. So, how much is Rexella Van Impe worth at the age of 90 years old? Instead of condemning them you should look at yourself! Almost as impressive as your ability to go this long in ministry without reporting any of your financials to any organization besides the IRS. He has, in the past, added the prefix to his name and quite often. They just wanna appear to be wise without doing the hard work, Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment. There is a reason why seminary professors have Phds and not Dmins and its because a Phd prepares you to be an expert in an academic field, not and expert in a professional field. Valid? As I was growing up, my mom always taught me that inward beauty was much more important than outward appearance. First, hes not a televangelist. Most of those who brandish their fake title of Doctor are so obviously Scripturally illiterate it is almost amusing. Scripture respects those who honestly question! Believe it or not but many preachers do actually have doctorates. However, Van Impe and the gang all graduated in the early 50s. Claims to be subject to no checks and balances? She was my first connection with God. The 8th commandment, bearing false witness (deceptive, false claims) comes to mind. Typically nothing. I was tall and thinfive foot five, as tall as I am now! And if the had it had nothing to do with them being anointed and everything to do with God exercising His authority on the earth. However, ATS is not specific to Christianity. . (, Earned B.A. Bachelors in Theology from the University of Albuquerque, Alb. Actually, I think Tim is referring to the KJV, where the references to doctor is actually meaning TEACHER (which is actually the meaning of Doctor in a doctors degree, you are expert enough to be a teacher). Any university that refuses to teach real science, insisting instead to teach creation science is not worthy to be called a respected university. Im just saying I would consider a person with an MDIv an expert. The ultimate message of this powerful presentation? Thanks! Jack Van Impe and Rexella Van Impe - The Accorgan And Voice Of (Album) 2 versions : none: US: 1973: Sell This Version: 2 . Not only is this a real accredited school but he actually completed the entire degree!! Its a tiny school in Tennessee that also goes by the name Omega Graduate School. Most often he refers to it as a book and even details its chapters. They cheat on credentials on every level. Earned unknown B.A. A Dmin is designed to make you a better minister. was the first to claim that false distinction, claiming that HIS super-duper, annointed words were the actual, God-all-mighty Rhema, while all other ministries could only quote the mere Logos. I now take you by faith as my own Savior and Lord. But by example, she taught me how to live and always to do the right thing. That is true. Enrolled at Oral Roberts University, but no degree earned. What does a degree have to do with paying taxes? And, all of those those who support them, and/or fail to protest or speak out about them are complicit, or by omission as well, in that deceit. The lady in charge of all the activities sat beside the bed and held Moms hand. Once again, I cannot state this enough, accreditation is not everything. It should be noted that somehow Joyce Meyer was able to earn a PhD having no undergraduate or graduate degrees to her name. Though, Im as guilty as the next guy when it comes to abrasive language. - Bachelor's Degree - Juris . Nowadays, plastic surgery is easily accessible and if one has a problem with his looks and believes that surgery can make him feel and look better, chances are hes going under the knife. Most of these charlatans could be exposed for hypocrisy by a nine year old. by his college alma mater. I knew the artist Grandma Moses when I was a boy (Im not kidding); she and my grandmother lived in the same small town and were acquaintances way back in the early 1900s. He has an earned Masters, but two honorary doctorates. Here is the thing Kenny, if you have your education listed on your facebook and its nowhere near a doctorate degree, then how can you go around claiming to be a doctor? The accrediting process is to verify that the faculty are educated in the field they are teaching in, that study requirements are being met, and all kinds of ethical rules are recognized. It appears that the organization is led by Ludwig Otto. She must have gotten tired and weary from her labor, but I never saw her stop for a nap. I would rather a pastor have no degree than a fake one. They revealed their discovery on the March 31, 2001 television and Internet broadcast of the " Jack Van Impe Presents " program. I can only find one and it looks like 3 people have read it). 1) To become a better minister while furthering your education and 2) to get a cheap and easy Dr. affixed to your title and an accompanying pay bump. And in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted (Isaiah 12:4). Time seems to have stopped for her and we can all only wish to look as good as she does when we come to her age. But heartfelt faith in Christ does: With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Rom. Even with limited resources, she always seemed to find an answer to every problem and need. A full bio and listing of his edication can be found on his ministrys website, Torah Unleashed. In the latter days, the Bible says, people will exchange the truth for a lie (Romans 1:5) which is happening today as news outlets and social media promote shocking deceptions about biblical truth, morality, marriage, gender, justice and more! The enemy of our souls will exploit our love for this world to change doctrines. 4 weeks no symptoms mumsnet; william . Youre making a straw man argument. TTS is a diploma mill based out of Newburg, Indiana and once had some distance learning classes in Liverpool. A CLASSIC MESSAGE OF HOPE FROM DR. JACK VAN IMPE. My reply? Televangelists who put Dr. before their names yet have no actual education do it for only one reason to seem legit and educated so people will buy into whatever they are selling. I never said it was always used as a fluff degree. Necromancy, which God forbids. Here is the about blurb from the BCU website. He was the only one to realize that no-one cares if televangelists have credentials. And in a little while, with no pain or struggle, she quietly slipped away to be with Jesus and her loved ones in heaven. Dont had out fake degrees and I will leave you alone. He known for having large sections of the Bible memorized but no one told ol Jack that memorization is not the same as education. 9 times our of 10 its just marketing. Yet, Perry discussed the event with his dad on his program as if it had validity. Accredited colleges are government-protected monopolies that overcharge innocent young people for liberal indoctrination. I certainly can identify with the songwriter who penned the poignant wordsHeaven seems nearer since Mother is there! Now, more than ever, I know I want to go to heaven when this life is through. And yes, those most certainly DO use their honorary Dr. prefix to sell books, DVDs, and provide an over-all appearance of being educated. Kenny Kenny Kenny. I said to her, Doctor, Mother is going to have a big crowd of welcomers in heaven!, Oh, Rexella, she said, Esther has been such a blessing to so many that when I get there, if I stand behind her, God wont even see me!, Moms funeral was a day of remembrance, a time of celebration and rejoicing, filled with flowers, friends, and beauty. Its a job that anyone can apply for without prior experience) Youre welcome to disagree or agree with me all you want. I would wager that if thats my tone in this piece then certainly no person would be off limits as long as they fit the criteria. Masters in Divinity, Trinity Theological Seminary Indiana/University of Liverpool ENG. The kingdom of Christ will find Jews and Gentiles worshipping the Lord together. However, this is another well known diploma mill. Not surprising. As to the unnamed person that Im to politically correct to name. Admin., sadly it is not only any pastor. but also ! Honestly speaking you are losing site of the goal in life ! May God have mercy on those whom He will that they may be enlightened by His truth and not be led astray with promises made in error. They had no educational requirements for incoming students and no degree requirements and no accreditation. Many of their professors are under-educated or they were educated within Oral Roberts. Those verses should serve as a reminder that we can still teach others and be non-biased of what others do in that aspect, they will get theirs; as you have seen with some of the televangelists you have listed there. Oteros education is actually listed in abundant locations. Ill see make a list though. ), Master of English, University of Dallas literature and rhetoric (I assume this is legit), Master of Liberal Arts, Southern Methodist University history, philosophy, and literature (Seems legit. The wheat; and the chaff. It has nothing to do with politics and brand of theology. Why would any legitimate preacher need to fake doctorate? She made sure the robes were clean and pressed, and she was there every Sunday morning to help everybody get ready. No, it was a current program, I can only assume Rexella has had some cosmetic surgery because she looked much younger that her age, while I was shocked at how much Jacks age really showed.. Some of our ladies would often join Mother for lunch. She is an actress, producer, and writer, best known for Jack Van Impe (1994), The Mark of the Beast (1997) and Revelation (1999). My brother (now deceased) knew Hagee at SBI. John MacArthur and most pages did not carry the doctor. We wanted the best for our precious daughter, Rexella, and you are the one-in-a-million son-in-law we prayed for. If you look at Dr. Kynans LinkedIn profile the only education listed is from CLU and he never completed any degree. Jack and Rexella Van Impe. As far as I have been able to find, no honorary doctorate has been awarded to Jakes yet..yet! "The beloved Dr. Jack Van Impe was welcomed into Heaven by His blessed Savior and Lord who he had so faithfully served in ministry for over 70 years," the January 18 statement reads. The so-called, Rhema ministry is a total sham. Changes in her physical appearance are obvious, her face seems tight and there are minimum wrinkles for a woman her age. They sell degrees or have little to no standards for obtaining one. Let the bodies hit the floor! Most D.Min programs focus on pastoral ministry only. Nothing is wrong with these real Bible centered schools simply because they dont have the seal of approval from one of the accreditation cabals. (Source same as first above). Are they legit? My mother was also extremely attractive, with a regal bearing. My skin isnt clear, my teeth arent quite right, Im taller than other girlsIm just a mess!. Her zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The faith she left with me links me with eternity and clothes me with peace. There is another commandment that deals very well with the what ever claims and taking Gods name! Van Impe was born on Feb. 9, 1931, in Freeport to Oscar and Marie Louise Van Impe. Everyone will miss you! The couple who conducted the morning service at the living center on Sunday came to visit, and told me, Were going to miss your mother so much. Today Rexella and Jack talk about: Dr. Billy Graham's vision for revival in America. A popular Christian agency is TRACS. She was awarded two honorary doctorates for re-introducing folk art into American culture. The most complete study of this prophetic masterpiece ever produced on video.10 hours of verse-by-verse teaching on five DVD's. Simplifies and clarifies every phrase in the entire 22 chapters of Revelation Answers questions that have puzzled and perplexed millions Excellent for Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, or as a special church series on prophecy Share these enlightening . I guess youre just an over-achiever over-deceiver! Dr. Dr. Herbert Barber -James 3:1-. Yet, the whole point of this discussion is that there are so many out there claiming fake degrees. Now it is time to act on this truth. Earned PhD in Theology, from Life Christian University. Mother bestowed upon me the richest and most beautiful legacy that any daughter could have received. I trust you to save me and guide me in the Christian life. I turn from my sin to you. Robert Frost, the poet, attended both Dartmouth and Harvard but never graduated from college. The Jews have waited long for peace in their land, and it will come to Israel. This is the same fake school that Joyce and Copeland went to. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. Give me an excellent independent, unaccredited Bible college any day over these liberal religious institutions. Rexella Van Impe Death Fact Check Rexella is alive and kicking and is currently 90 years old. He keeps people coming back for a fresh word from the Lord. Gods words have not grown stale. Did Jesus or The New Testament Authors Quote from The Apocryphal Books? She had tender and loving ways. Sometimes its I think its too snarky for its own good. So since the passing of my dear mom to her eternal home a couple of years ago, Ive been trying to adjust to a world that seems a bit empty now because of the absence of her physical presence. Youre going to see the Lord, youre going to see Daddy, and youre going to see your mother and all the saints!, And with all her remaining strength her face brightened at the thought and she replied, UH-HUH! She was expressing, Oh, yes, thats my choice!, So her last words to her children wereI love you more. I want to go home. UH-HUH!. In fact, they were some of the first students. I think youre correct Ed. She was my first connection with God. Getting plastic surgery because their ministry is really just a vanity project. February 27, 2023 Email Newsletter. I would consider someone with an Mdiv to be proficient and professional but I dont know about expert. DVD / War on Truth Book. In the kitchen, especially, she was singingjoyful music, always about the Lord. I received some of my best and most rewarding education from Liberty. It pains usto put Jakes on this list. In 1989 he received his Honorary Doctorate from Oral Roberts University. Some of your biggest TV preachers have these degrees. The Jewish maiden, Esther, undoubtedly was strikingly beautiful to have been selected as queen to the ungodly king of Persia. The death of Christ on the cross fulfilled all the righteous demands of the law. Im very disappointed you didnt choose to edit Vince (sewer mouth) as you stated you would do. (Video 1, Video 2) I am saddened by this turn of events because I thought Johhny M had some integrity. Similar claims made! This video from Dr Rexella Van Impe and Dr Frank Wright will help you set the record straight with any believers who have been deceived as well as with non-believers who need to hear honest answers to todays questions. $29.99 + $3.65 shipping. IMI is not a credible school and is definitely not a seminary. They have a lot more universities. But compared to a Phd its clearly less rigorous. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. She had gorgeous platinum-gray hair, a lovely complexion, clear blue eyes that could look deep within a person, and a magnetic smile that drew people to her. Queen Esther must have had great inner beauty and inner strength to help deliver her people, the captive Israelites, from the evil plans of those who wanted to destroy them. You need to fact check a bit better, found two other major errors about listed schools. ). . Could you imagine the insanity if Aretha Franklin, Ben affleck, and Puff Daddy started calling themselves Doctor? Dr. Jack Van Impe is naming names in "Beware: False Prophets, Damnable Heresies & Doctrines of Demons."God has given Jack and Rexella a desperately needed me. As for Andersonville, they also lack any credible accreditation. Earned PhD in Theology, from Life Christian University. Even do we cant claim that Rexella has had any cosmetic surgery or simply has good genes, we can definitely claim that she looks amazing. So very sad. I feel so sorry for all the young people hes deceiving with Joels Army and spiritual experiences. Which is irrelevant since its a diploma mill. especially their anti Catholic conspiracy theories, .. lifted straight from a Chick Tract for the most part ( Yeah, theres a credible source!!) Hearing the Truth or is it a Lie? There is the written (Logos) word and there is also the (Rhema) word a word from the Lord spoken personally to me). That Sir is impressive. People wrote such loving tributesShe was a great woman of God. She was my best friendthe one I could always confide in. Esther met my need when I had no one else to turn to. My memories of her are nothing but precious! I shall never know anyone like her again.. The following quote is from his own website in 2002. As the Admin states, to which I will add, there are a lot of crazy and dishonest ( the overall subject of these pages), false witness believers and preachers, far too many! First off, good catch on spotting the mistake of the co-authors. A Phd in anything Bible related shows that you are an expert in that field. She is named after father Rex Shelton. Earned BA in (unknown), from Azusa Pacific University (. This is why no one takes them seriously. Its clear its not a fluff degree. (, LCU is an unaccredited school, by choice. The only schools in Albaquerque are TSU and a visual arts school. It depends on where you go. It is clear that this thesis is just the unpolished ramblings of a man who wants a fake PhD. To my best recollection, Kenneth Hagin (spelling?) My memories of her have become a precious treasure. Isnt that deceiving people? American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation (AAHEA), Accreditation Council for Distance Education (ACTDE), Accreditation Council for Online Academia (ACOHE), Accreditation Panel for Online Colleges and Universities (APTEC), Accrediting Commission International (ACI), American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions, American Council of Private Colleges and Universities, American Association of Drugless Practitioners (ADP), Association of Distance Learning Programs (ADLP), Association of Private Colleges and Universities, Association for Online Academic Accreditation, Association for Online Academic Excellence, Board of Online Universities Accreditation (BOUA), Central American Council of Accreditation (CACA), Central States Consortium of Colleges & Schools, Distance and Online Universities Accreditation Council (DOUAC), Distance Learning International Accreditation Association (DEIAA), Distance Learning Quality Assurance Agency (DLQAA), European Accreditation Board of Higher Education (EABHE), Global Accredited Council for Business Association (GACBA), Global Accreditation Council for Business Education (GACBE), Global Accreditation Commission for Distance Education (GACDE), Global Accreditation Council for Online Academia, International Commission for Higher Education, International Accreditation Agency for Online Universities (IAAOU), International Accreditation Association for Online Education (IAAFOE), International Accreditation Commission (IAC), International Association Council of Engineering Professionals (IACEP), International Accreditation Commission for Online Universities (IACOU) (Kingston), International Accreditation Commission for Online Educational Institutions (IACOEI), International Accreditation Organization (IAO), International Education Ministry Accreditation Association, International Online Education Accrediting Board (IOEAB), North American Distance Learning Association (NADLA), National Academic Higher Education Agency (NACHE), National Accreditation and Certification Board (NACB), National College Accreditation Council (NCAC), National Commission of Accredited Schools (NCAS), National Distance Learning Accreditation Council (NDLAC), New Millennium Accrediting Partnership for Educators Worldwide, Organization for Online Learning Accreditation (OKOLA), Transworld Accrediting Commission Intl. Really? Thirdly, the fact that he actually completed his program at Boston and his masters degree makes him 100 times more educated than the blokes in this list. Definitely not even though some exceptions exist. She baked bread that was absolutely irresistible. WRONG ANSWER Joel!!! That is what scam artists do, not authentic Christians. Rexella Van Impe is televangelist Jack Van Impe's wife. B.A., M.A., & D.Min. Here is a prayer to guide you: Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you just as I am, a sinner. As for the word of God debate, I think it would be difficult to state that the Bible isnt the word of God Although, many would argue that the Bible contains the word of God, but itself is not 100% equal to the word of God. I am assuming that means he does not want anyone to know or that its a flat lie. The man has NO earned doctorate, yet he stamps Dr. in front of his name EVERYWHERE. I thought, This is a good time for me to confess something to her. The entire bible is true, but we give weight in order of our preferences. (, The University of West Georgia seems to currently be accredited by two agencies. Also making money isnt a sin ! Rexella Van Impe, born on November 29, 1932 in Missouri. Listener, beware. Heroes like Moses, Joshua, and David each had their day in approaching, conquering, or ruling that promised property. Anybody besides me connecting the dots? I saw Stone preach once at a church in Toledo when I was younger. Would you like to go to a medical doctor with only an honorary degree? Did someone insinuate that ORU isnt accredited? in Christian Education from Patriot Bible University. Esther, you were a blessing to all of us, she said. I wont go into details about his defunct institution since its not a real school or a real degree but just a diploma listed. No one could have the insight and revelation that he does unless he loves God and studies his bible. I would rather earn a degree from an unaccredited school thats authorized to issue a degree by their state than to have a degree from some liberal accredited school like Harvard. But thats a component of deception. Thats accurate. Second, he didnt go to a fake school or purposely try to deceive people into believing he was more educated than he really was, in order to collect more money or to have a higher status. More about Rexella Van Impe edit Dating History Grid # 1 Jack Van Impe 4 1 1952 (, He attended classes on and off at Lee University but never acquired a degree. (look the word up.). "Just a Cup of Coffee, Please!". From that point onwards, they were called Drs. BTW I will adding John MacArthur to the list, Got a couple additions for youboth of them hebrew roots evangelicals ..Dr. Kenny Russel who runs a hebrew roots shell company called gottalife that has around 200 subsidiaries got his degree from Tabernacle Bible college and seminary which seems to be located in either a Florida strip mall parking lot or, an oil companies parking lot and his good friend and frequent guest speaker Dr. Denis Otero a former catholic preist who got his catholic ordination from an Episcopal Church ( who writes this shit?) Or if Mozart or Beethoven had no degree, surely, any music school would want to honor them. As far as I know, Brother Copeland has never used his title. (, B.A. However, the Scripture does affirm that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. Sponsored. There are only two types of people alive today: those who are born again and those who are not. Since my husband, Jack, mentioned at the end of one of our weekly telecasts that she had gone home to be with the Lord, Ive received a multitude of beautiful cards, notes, and letters from my mothers friends all over the country. Its not even a thesis style essay much less a dissertation. She was also a co-host of her husbands TV series. I cannot control how other adults choose their words but I do want to make the site safe for younger readers. sourate pour vaincre les ennemis, samantha berg coma,