hides in a nearby restroom, Just before turning the corner to go east, he is shot, Harris bomb is thrown into the stairwell from the library hallway and lands in the assumes the role of incident commander. Byerly reports shots fired on the east side of the building. DePooter and Eubanks were sitting in the library at lunchtime, talking about getting in some fishing after school, when art teacher Patti Nielson ran in, dialed 911, and shouted for everyone to . Shot twice in the left side of his head, Ireland dropped. - Contribute to The Healing Fund shirt, students taking cover behind the patrol cars, Klebold walking directly over to the same bomb. Nielson is student Brian Anderson. person in the cafeteria with bulletproof equipment and several bombs.. Get down! Deputy I was losing air.''. cafeteria videotape shows that, as the gunmen are walking away, there is a. County dispatcher. I think that's the start of my new year.". How sure are you that this is actually: Thanks! Two - Create a memorial page. County Commissioner and Board Chairman Patricia Holloway. But I still won't do it if it starts to make me crazy or takes time from my kids. Patty Nielson. Several Two more students are Search the history of over 797 billion Deputy One of the faculty is injured; he was shot in the jaw. Wow the hours invested. She hopes her absence is being seen as running toward her family, not running away from the memories. Maybe a couple more lines, but theyre inaudible. Nielson has written to most of the families whose kids were killed. Fire Department is staged at Weaver and Pierce Streets. I dont think Im going out there.. The entire call is reportedly twenty-seven minutes long, though various sources have argued that nearly three hours of audio was recorded with the phone being left off the hook. Behind her, the hallway suddenly turned quiet. "They saw me and didn't do anything,'' said the girl, who hid safely between cars in the student parking lot for 2 1/2 hours. A student standing next to her was hit in the chest but a pendant he was wearing saved him from death or serious injury. Suddenly bullets hit Scott. the released version of the call ended before either of those incidents even happened. building. "I was so flat on my stomach, they must have been pretty good shots,'' Taylor said. Dispatch units. Littleton However, let's instead turn our attention to after 4:07, when Eric audibly yells, "Get up!" He appeared to be in shock. A witness SHOT. One This is because two seconds afterwards, at 4:19, Patti whispers, "He's yelling everybody get up right now," and repeats herself a couple seconds later. Klebold hurled a pipe bomb onto the school roof. On the library floor around Harris and Klebold, 10 teenagers - Cassie Bernall, Steven Curnow, Corey DePooter, Kelly Fleming, Matt Kechter, Daniel Mauser, Isaiah Shoels, Lauren Townsend, John Tomlin and Kyle Velasquez - lay dead. While most fled the chaos, Sanders, the business teacher, stayed to prevent a fatal stampede. 11:14 a.m. and 11:22 a.m. Harris and Klebold leave their cars and walk into the alarm in the cafeteria is activated. As But mostly there was a resetting of priorities, she says. Walker. The fireball scorched the ceiling and blew out tiles. 911 call from inside the library reports smoke coming in through the doorway. Klebold subsequently arrives at the high school student parking lot alone in his At Science Room 3, Sanders collapsed. Neilson was in the library when she placed the call. At about 11:19 a.m. a witness It's been disputed over the years as to whether or not the suicides of Harris and Klebold were picked up in the recording; if the audio does, in fact, last less than thirty minutes, the deaths of the gunmen would not have been heard. When she does visit the school, Nielson is besieged by students who ask if she's returning. Losing blood and consciousness, Sanders told several students, "Tell my daughter I love her.''. He picked up a chair and smashed it on the table. The easiest thing we can do with this information is listen for background talking in Patti Nielson's call, which I've already started to do in order to verify 11.23.11 was placed properly. The killers spotted Shoels, a football player and one of the few black students at Columbine. Bleeding from nine bullet and shrapnel wounds, Schnurr mumbled, "Oh, my God.''. We can hear get up cause they are screaming it, but they probably werent screaming everything, particularly do you believe in God? Val was on the total other side of the room and it was a one-on-one conversation, not a command to the room. Teacher: He is in science room number three. The tact team is aware of their location, its just going to be a while before they get to them. Just before he reached the cafeteria door, a gunman aimed at the fleeing boy's back and dropped him with a 9mm bullet along the spine. At 4:44 of Patti Nielson's call is when the aforementioned amateur transcripts say Eric says, "Alright, Dylan," or "I'm alright, Dylan". Patti Nielson - Inside Columbine - Google The Denver Post Online - Columbine - Tragedy and Recovery A teacher, Theresa Miller, spent hours on the phone with 911 to deliver updates on Sanders' condition. At 4:56 is when amateur transcripts say Isaiah Shoels yells "Mom." Seconds The first Press J to jump to the feed. Columbine Library Audio (partially lost 911 call of Colorado school Thinking all the noise was a student video production, Patti Nielson, a hall monitor and art teacher, walked through a school corridor with a curious student, Brian Anderson, to ask the kids to quiet down. Is there anyway you can block the door so no one can get in? The mother of 16-year-old victim Kelly Fleming described the audio as "pure hell [to listen to]." Theyve got him elevatedthe best they can. Thats a great analysis and it clears up a bunch of the nonsense people who try to transcribe this call. pipe bomb is thrown over the railing from the hallway above and into the You had to have three people in the room listening to confirm what was heard, was said. Columbine High School shooting library 911 call transcript Smoker advises dispatch that four down on the west side need to be evacuated. I always disliked that someone made those very amateur and false transcripts. She was teaching three art classes a day. hiding in the cafeteria hears one of the gunmen say, Today the worlds Thinking that the student was filming a video for class, Nielson began to walk toward the entrance in order to confront him. Outside the school's west exit, where Rachel Scott lay dead and Richard Castaldo was crippled, Eric Harris spotted Jefferson County sheriff's Deputy Neil Gardner, the school resource officer, in the Columbine parking lot. When he heard the gunfire and explosions move into the cafeteria kitchen - where the killers had stashed a giant propane tank bomb that failed to detonate - Kastle ducked from the faculty lounge into a faculty bathroom. I always wonder this as well, as she is literally screaming to get under the tables. "Maybe we should start knifing people - that would be more fun,'' Todd recalls the other killer saying. Broncos Harris rattled off 10 shots at the deputy with his 9mm carbine. Now Harris and Klebold moved away from the library windows where they started. and Harris leave the science area and go down into the cafeteria. One girl, facedown, was warm. carrying two large duffel bags "I can see light at the end of the tunnel. "They walked over to her and shot her again.''. Harris The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. Klebold They were playing a game.'' O.K.? Copyright 2000 The Denver Post. Become a member to support the independent voice of Denver He fled through the door with a few scrapes, bruises and a belief that Klebold had spared his life. Injured and Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting Names contained within brackets [ ] indicate the victim didn't know the person but subsequent investigation has provided the identity of the individual. At just before 4:35, a male talks and says "Page Boyd," and you can very faintly hear this on 11.29.25 at 0:30. "I made the decision I wasn't going to be in therapy the rest of my life. Theyre not Band-Aids, but they have cloth to try to control the bleeding. In a stairway leading up to the school library, Sanders was hit once, then again, by gun blasts. The families of the deceased were given an opportunity to listen to the recording; some of them declined. In time, she says. Twenty-two steps above them, at the top of an outdoor concrete stairway, someone laughed. Paramedic Monte Fleming grabbed Kirklin and laid him in the ambulance on top of Graves. Audio File: 911 dispatch and calls starting at 11:33 am, Audio File: 911 calls from students and neighbors, Audio File: More 911 calls from students and neighbors, Audio File: Student Matthew Depew's 911 call from the kitchen. Both Harris and Klebold use their shotguns, as well the latter unleashing carnage with his TEC-9 semi-automatic. Why do I have to do it all at once? Nothing mattered but getting out of there and getting back to my children." She sounded like a tape recorder stuck in fast-forward. Columbine Survivor Shares Story of Addiction on Tragedy's - Westword With Harris and Klebold out of the library, someone beneath a table shouted, "They're gone! deputies on scene radio their positions around the school, confirming that a Patti Nielson, hiding under the front counter in the school library, calls 911 Two janitors locked themselves in a kitchen refrigerator, and another 20 students, teachers and cooks crammed into a pantry. Some yelling occurs at 4:33 of Patti Nielson's call, and is, in fact, from one of the shooters. Ken Shots fired on the southwest side with a large weapon.. O.K.? "Stay tight,'' DePooter whispered. Nielson: I do not . Good research. response to Magors call for mutual aid, Jefferson County Dispatch advises advises multiple reports of shots in the library and multiple suspects with Some people see it and think they are true. Which would be what you were saying, playing back slower, and randomly distanced sounding from your ears. Crouching over Hall's pained body, Ireland let his own head rise just above the top edge of the table. I got worked up, frustrated." Hoping a simple human gesture might stop the bloodshed, Steepleton peered from 20 feet away directly into Klebold's eyes. Too stunned to stand, Castaldo was slashed by gunfire, too. Kastle looked back through the crawl-space and saw light streaming through the tile he had cracked. . out to the, From "As we crossed the open door, the suspect threw what turned out to be a homemade grenade. From the corner of his eye, though, he saw another girl get shot. Deputy Outside the school, more police arrived. of the schools custodial staff and faculty, including teacher William County Sheriffs Offices are en route. REB! Whereas the other one has things like Stop your bitching! Nearby, Tim Kastle flushed with fear and dread - fear for his life, but dread because he knew one of the killers. Regaining consciousness later at Denver Health Medical Center, Kreutz remembered the pain of being rolled onto her wounded shoulder. "John didn't know these two boys any better than any other kids in the school. outside on the southwest side of the school and gives directions where onset, both suspects are seen lighting and throwing explosive, Klebold fire a semi-automatic weapon east towards, Klebold and Harris walking east down the north Dispatch However, it's another 911 operator, at 0:37 of 11.29.25, and the operator says "okay, I'm gonna keep you on the phone, ma'am, I'm gonna keep you on the phone." Dispatch Colorado Attorney-General Ken Salazar said, I dont think that anything that law enforcement did was negligent, but added that hes still investigating whether the police tried to hide some of their mistakes. But I don't want to impose. Nielson said she's become increasingly cautious, less trusting and more focused on her "real life." Around the library there were more explosions and bullets. killed and two more injured in the librarys center section before the gunmen Fire Department dispatches a fire engine to the explosion and grass fire on And they are having very much difficulty in controlling the bleeding. fire alarm sounds from the upper level corridor of Columbine High School. also confirms a live bomb at Wadsworth and Chatfield. '', Savage ran to freedom. This time, it worked. Anne Marie Hochhalter was eating lunch with two friends outside the cafeteria when a bullet pierced her chest and left her paralyzed. At about 4:17 in Patti Nielson's call, we can hear some yelling in the background, which is definitely from one of the shooters. The 911 call is the most interesting available evidence to me, but unfortunately, I just dont hear much from that long transcript, so I dont trust its accurate in the unreleased part either. Many Ask God,'' said his mother, Jane Savage. As she tells the operator her name, Harris and Klebold enter the library and begin to execute their classmates. In shock, Munson lost all feeling in her foot, but a friend kept pushing her to the safety of the nearest door. announces that possible hand-grenades have been detonated at the school. Harris Those students are trying to save the life of teacher Dave Sanders. And I probably will never have an answer to what went wrong.. They wounded art teacher Patricia "Patti" Nielson (35) and student Bryan Anderson (17) upon entry. They may be thinking the same thing. then turns and enters the school through the west doors. "I haven't been dreading the anniversary. one killer told a girl beneath a table. Both killers moved on, leaving Scott unharmed. The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. Audio File: a 911 call from inside the school, with fire alarm in background (placed at approximately 11:31 AM). After Taylor was so scared of being shot again that he refused to answer when other students called to him. The first shots rang out at 11:08 a.m. After killing two students and wounding several others outside the school, the gunmen entered the building. Four Dragging the paralyzed student backward on the sidewalk, 40 feet to a waiting fire truck, the two SWAT team members, trailed by a submachine-gun wielding Sgt. One of the biggest issues with detecting anything that Harris and Klebold said on Patti Nielson's 911 call is the extraneous background noise, some of which people believe to be Harris and Klebold talking. Copyright 1999 The Denver Post. Kastle stood on a toilet, pushed up a ceiling tile and hoisted himself onto a heating pipe. Its merely a flesh wound! and the peekaboo thing and do you believe in God?. With the growing popularity of mobile phones, many people were able to place calls from inside the school during the shootings.
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