I learned about it from my brother in the late 60's. Yes, 2 sticks wrapped together. CHUM GUM HAD A TASTE ALL IT'S OWN.I GREW UP ON IT. i think they were about 2x2 square. I buy them for my mother, they are exactly the same is the marathon, even the same braided shape. I'd put some baseball cards in my spokesthen I'd "motor on over" to get my fix. I still can get Bottle Caps, Laffy Taffy, Now N Laters, Sprees, Nerds and Sweet Tarts. Yum yum chum gum!!! Yes those were the days! It was the best. Then you pop it, stick it back in your mouth and start another bubble. Drop gum mixture on top of sugar and knead together. And we didn't worry about having sugar-free gum back then! I did a yahoo search on chum gum thats how iI found this page. Only cough drop I like, only cough drop I will use. only 2 sticks to a pack. My dad owned a little country store with a big glass case full of penny candy on the bottom shelf and candy bars on the top. I brought it up at work and NO ONE knew what I was talking about!! Oh how I wish they would bring it back! There has to be a recipe out there somewhere. what great memories. I do remember it and it was quite cute. He would keep some in the freezer so you could have your choice of frozen or notthey were so good! I'm glad to see I still have my memory. "Wrigleys" might have come close. They would love it. It makes my mouth water to think of it!! I'm using my nickname as a kid because Chum Gum takes me back to my childhood! The candy bars they make now are so small and do not taste as good. Might have been associated with the discontinued candy section. And whatever happened to Welches Fudge bars? P Pam Bush 451 followers More information Chum Gum. 10 Secret Catfish Baits You Didn't Know About - Game & Fish Someone else said that thosewere the carefree days when we had no problems and life was easy. Thank you for your time. Others make so much chum they need big barrels. I used to buy it in Burbank, Illinois, where I grew up. It was so much fun going to Freedom Park to the playground then walk up to Wad's to get the Chum Gum and a real cherry Coke at the fountain. I am missing one of my all-time favorite candies. the flavor was unique. My dad took us to this candy factory in Detroit, MI once or twice a month. In fact, you might be able to say that Dubble Bubble was a spinoff of Chum Gum. Many stores had Chum Gum available well into the mid 1970s, years after manufacturing ended. You bite off each end and use if as a straw. NO ONE here has any idea about Chum Gum, I've talked about it for 20 years and everyone thinks I'm a liitle off. That is, when we weren't playing stepball, riding bikes or trading baseball cards. Sixty years old and still wishing that I had a piece of chum gum. Yep I also grew up on chum gum and until recently haven't found anything close, but check out Ford Gum company and the gum called bologna and hotdog gum is as close as I've found.I got it in Santa Fe New Mexico at Walgreens. Elementary school. , The reason why this is no longer on the market is that the FDA found it was causing even more gum erosion than pain it was felt to be relieving! I can still taste it, but cant describe the flavor, except excellent! I grew up in the 50's and use to sit on the river bank and blow away, while watching the St. Lawrence Seaway being built. This particular confectionary was in north St. Louis near the Walnut Park neighborhood, just west of Interstate-70. I was sitting at my desk and decided to Google Chum Gum. Hi, I am in Florence SC, and would Ike to find some of these new Unicorn Candy Corn in fruit flavors. If I could find it I would purchase all they had in stock and share with everyone! In the 1940s I used to buy penny candy. Your only hope may be to contact Tootsie Roll. The gum is rather simple and mild. Hi Noon candy bars were my favorite candy back in the mid fifties. Please leave a review or any memories of this snack in the comments below. Fleer should bring it back. Please try to get the recipe for the HOLLYWOOD Candy Bars ,as well as Butter-Nut Candy Bars POWER HOUSE Candy Bars Heard that company went out of business. However, by that time, the company had already discontinued Chum Gum as it simply couldnt keep up in a market where the advertisement was primarily focused elsewhere. I was just thinking about Chum Gum. Remember a blue wrapper And the powdery sugar covering each stick. Most assuredlythe best tasting gum everreminded me of Yank Bubble Gum. My mother packed chocolates, like Lucile Ball, in the factory in Kendall Square Cambridge Mass. Still, I often find myself describing the fragrant pink gum in the beautiful blue wrapper, 2 sticks, one for you and one for a chum, hoping someone could remember. I am from Lockport, IL and I, too, couldn't make anyone believe that I remembered Chum Gum! Do they still make bubbaloo gum? I miss them more than any food product. Brachs discontinued so many of their classic candies over the years but many of the classics still remain and hopefully will remain for quite some time. Oh why cant they bring back Chum Gum like they have brought back so many other old time candies?! You got 3 sticks for a penny. Fleer made the Chum Gum and it is now discontinued. I still remember the royal blue wrapper with a kid's silhouette on it blowing a big bubbleand the gum itself was the pinkest of pinkand you got TWO sticks for a penny. This group of people said that they never heard of it so I told them to goggle it and maybe it would show up. Chum Gum was my favorite. Of the many penny candies we bought, we also bought Chum Gum. 10 Discontinued Bubble Gums You'll Never Chew Again The rumors of old fans are that no other gum has been able to compare to this delightful option, although its not for lack of trying. Wish they'd make it, along with Seven Up candy bars today. there is nothing in the world like chum gum. Submit a link to more information about Chum Gum. (I'm 57 now) Let me know what you think. I knew them as "sour grapes" in clear individual packaging with maybe a yellow print on it. I loved the blue gum all, the grape and the sour apple. Great memories. If I could just go back. I LOVED Chum Gum!! Bubbaloo Liquid-filled Bubble Gum. When my grandaughters lose teeth, we call them chiclets! I grew up in West Tenn. and the Priccipal would let us walk to the store while we were waiting for the high school bus to come pick us up, (at the elementry school). Mint Juleps were made by NECCO who went out of business in 2019 even though they were one of the oldest candy manufacturers! I did not know what the two piece penny gum was called. Three sticks for 0.1 cent. It was my favorite from the penny candy at Farley's Grocery store. God how I miss that smell and flavor, I swear, if I close my eyes I'm chewing on it now! Very spicy. I was lacking money as a child so I only got to enjoy these products a handful of times. Loved the flavor and the big bubbles! We all stopped at the corner store on the way home from school each day and buy them.YUMMMMMM !! I would stop at the corner drug store and load up. Fleer originally developed a bubble gum formulation called Blibber-Blubber in 1906. I grew up in Washington, DC and would buy this most delicious gum at the corner stores on my way home from school in the late 60s and early 70s. LOVE ME SOME CHUM GUM-FOREVER. I quit buying them. Nothing today even compares to it. Bub's Daddy bubble gum ropes. IF ANYONE KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, I WOULD APPRECIATE THE INFO. The area where we lived was not fully developed so there were orange groves, strawberry fields, a chicken farm and a dairy farm. Bring back. Not only was it the best deal and best tasting, I loved the smell so much I would buy it and keep it in my room as a kid!! It is the best bubble gum ever made. I grew up in FL, and I remember climbing up on the kitchen counter and standing on my tip toes to reach the shelf in the upper cabinet where my mother kept a box of Chum Gum! One of his first bubble gum creations was Blibber Blubber, which came out in 1906. I have so many sweet memories of the penny candy counter where we could piss off the old lady that woryed there by tapping our quarters on the glass counter top. Detroit, MI during the 60's at a place called Clem's Candy Store on Fenkell Avenue. I got to get it every weekend at the skating rink in Cleveland they charged 2 sticks for a 5cents. They did make stick bubble gum in the early 1970s. The only one I remember was billy joel's Glass Houses lp. If you do find any, its certainly just memorabilia and probably not in any condition to be chewed now after having been discontinued 50 years ago. Sadly, these were discontinued many moons ago. it had that cold feeling when you first started chewing it. _390- It had a unique and delicious taste. Do you know what company manufactured them? I can't believe I found this site. Is Chum Gum even made any longer? Oh, well. Wish we could still get Chum Gum its the best. I'm 57 and I just remember pink Chum. Fleer was stingy in budgeting for advertising, limited mainly to comic books and little TV play. The gambler in me made me go for it but it never paid off. Nothing compares to the flavor of Chum Gum! Here's one for you how about Chum Gums little brother "RED DEVIL GUM" as I recall it was sweet and spicy. There is NOTHING on the market like it , what a hit they would be !! Two for a penny. Chum Gum was my favorite. I've never forgotten how wonderful the taste was. Brothers and I used to go to the store for our grandfather to buy him a pack of Camels and some Browns Mule chewing tobacco. I am the bubblegum queen and I used to tell my dates they had to bring me a bag of bubblegum when they came to pick me up for a date. Many candy manufacturers read our site, so there is a possibility of resurrecting your lost candy if enough comments are generated . I grew up in Oak Ridge Tn (just outside knoxville) and i never found it at any local stores more than a couple of times. I grew up in Neptune beach Fl. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Snack History participates in the Amazon Associate and WalMart Partner Network programs and receives earnings from qualifying purchases. It brings back so many great memories. When they broke -- you could easily take the gum off your face, and chew it again for another bubble. I loved eating them with my popcorn at the theater Nothing seems to come close to these. Chiclets hasn't changed much over the decades and its iconic mini box of 2 Chiclets is still a Halloween fan favorite. CVS is carrying it. We too wish they would come back! . I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF IT BUT IT CAME IN THE SAME SHAPE PACKAGING AS BEEMAN'S OR BLACKJACK. :-). Your email address will not be published.
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