WORK HOURS 7 AM - 10 PM MON-FRI, AND 8 AM - 10P M SATURDAY, AND 9 AM TO 10 PM SUNDAY. The second option is available for applicants who do not have the technology to use the above procedure. ALL OVERDIMENSIONAL CRANE/TRAILERS REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL PERMIT FROM THE NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF BRIDGES. THIS PERMIT INCLUDES ALL WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF TREE PITS/STORM WATER CATCHMENTS. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Manhattan If work is planned through the HE period, the critical reasons for the work must be included in the Work Description field of the application. The NYC DOT Bureau of Permit Management and Construction Control (the Bureau) is responsible for overseeing all construction-related permitting. IN AREAS WHERE A FENCE/BARRICADE USAGE IS PERMITTED THE FENCE/BARRICADE CANNOT OBSTRUCT, RESTRICT OR COMPROMISE THE SIGHT LINES OF PERDESTRIAN/VEHICULAR INTERFACE. Canopy design and construction must be in accordance with NYC DOT Standard Details of Construction. Based on the documents submitted, HIQA makes a preliminary determination as to whether the proposed location may be suitable for a canopy. Additional information regarding embargo periods is provided in Chapter 3, Section 3.6.2. The Highway Rules, Section 2-07(c) (4) contains additional information. The milling and resurfacing schedules are organized by borough and are sent electronically each week to utility companies and other city agencies. One Fordham Plaza, 5th Fl. This category also covers installations above the street such as banners and decorative lights and permanent installations on the street such as bike racks. AN EMBARGO WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR THIS WORK AREA FROM 7/28/14 THRU 8/16/14 ALL ROADWAY/SIDEWALK OPENINGS WHICH CANNOT BE COMPLETED INCLUDING BACKFILL AND RESTORATION PRIOR TO 7/28/14 SHOULD NOT BE STARTED. The way street work is executed impacts vehicular and pedestrian movement, the useful life of the street surface, and the experience of the street as a public space. If the applicant makes any changes to these authorized representative(s), he or she must update the Permittee Registration Application. See the most recent version of Drawing # H1029 of the NYC DOT. MAINTAIN 1 - 11 FOOT LANE FOR 2 WAY THRU TRAFFIC W/FLAGGERS AT EACH END OF WORK ZONE. 4. This Manual was created and published by the NYC Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) with contributions from a wide array of professionals from city government and the design field. Tel: 212-720-3480 Additionally, in the middle of each fiscal year, the New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) convenes a meeting with other agencies and utilities to discuss city projects under its purview that are expected to begin construction during the next four years. Contact PEU for further information regarding the procedure to obtain initial and final approval for a transformer vault. STREETBOND COLORANT IS ADDED TO PROVIDE COLOR. COMPLY WITH DOT STANDARD #H1042C. Further information on responding to CARs may be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-02(d). The contact information and hours of operation can be found in Appendix C, NYC DOT Contact Information. MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS ALONG EXTERIOR STREET WILL BE IN EFFECT DURING ALL SPECIAL EMBARGOS AFFECTING THE AREA SUCH AS THE POPE VISIT AND ALL STAR GAME. Staten Island, NY 10301 If the request is approved or modified, then all conditions, restrictions, fees and application procedures for obtaining a construction-related permit apply. After obtaining HIQA's authorization, the applicant will be referred to the Permit Office in the borough in which the canopy will be located. 1/2RES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #8 OD DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. It also covers installations above the street such as banners and decorative lights and permanent installations on the street such as bike racks. A sketch showing the canopy dimensions, location and all street facilities and furniture within 15 feet of both sides of the proposed canopy. There is no fine associated with a Sidewalk Violation. IF LOCATION IS IN SCHOOL ZONE AS SPECIFIED IN SCHOOL STIPULATION, MAY ONLY WORK 9 AM TO 2 PM MON TO FRI WHEN SCHOOL IS IN SESSION (083 STIPULATION). Any emergency work on a street that involves a street opening/excavation requires a Street Opening Permit. Permit Review is the process by which NYC DOT reviews permit applications and supporting documentation and makes determinations regarding the issuance of permits and permit stipulations. FOR DRILLING OPERATION MAY WORK 7AM-6PM MONDAY - FRIDAY IN CURB LANE AND PART OF SIDEWALK. Appendices to the Street Works Manual provide additional resources, including a list of common permit types and the supporting documentation required for each permit type, reference copies of applications and required forms, contact information for NYC DOT and other agencies and utilities, a list of the stipulations placed on permits under certain conditions and/or at certain locations, and useful internet links by chapter of the Manual. THE SIGNS SHOULD BE POSTED ON ALL POLES AND DRIVE RAILS ON THE SEGMENT AFFECTED INDICATING THE DATE OF THE CHANGE, THE NEW REGULATIONS AND A TELEPHONE NUMBER TO OBTAIN INFORMATION. Send corrections and additions to the Standard Drawings team. This Manual was created and published by the NYC Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) with contributions from a wide array of professionals from city government and the design field. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES AND PERSONNEL ON OR AROUND WORK SITE. FOR ANY CAPITAL WORK INVOLVING CURB-TO- CURB RESURFACING OF THE STREET,PERMITTEE AND RESIDENT ENGINEER FOR THE SPONSORING AGENCY SHALL NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE DOT BOROUGH ADMIN. Tel: (718) 993-6110 If the location is deemed suitable, HIQA signs the Canopy Authorization Form indicating HIQA approval and returns it to the applicant. VARIANCE GRANTED TO WORK DURING THE"HOLIDAY" EMBARGO-NOVEMBER TO JANUARY, AS STIPULATED BY THE OCMC OFFICE. LANE MUST BE AN UNRESTRICTED PARKING LANE. WORK 9 AM TO 7 PM EXCEPT SUNDAY. SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAY OPERATIONS (ASHO) OFFICE & OCMC-STREETS IN WRITING NO LATER THAN 48-HOURS PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF PAVING. Notes: 1. Adjoining Existing and New SidewalksJunctions and transitions between new and existing sidewalks must conform to specifications. Canopy permits are generally taken out by building owners, business owners, and canopy installers. ALL MITIGATIONS INCLUDING: VARIABLE MESSAGE BOARDS, NYPD INTERSECTION TRAFFIC AGENTS, CONSTRUCTION, PARKING, AND BUS STOP SIGNAGE MUST IN PLACE AND MAINTAINED FOR THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT. FULL WIDTH OF SIDEWALK AND ROADWAY MUST BE RESTORED AFTER WORKING HOURS. Where certification is unobtainable from the manufacturer, certification by the installer may be submitted instead. After repairs are complete, the property owner can contact 311 to schedule a Sidewalk Violation Dismissal. SPEED REDUCERS ARE PROPOSED FOR THE ROADWAY OF YOR WORK AREA. STANDARD SHEETS (METRIC) > Doing Business with NYSDOT - (business-center) > Engineering > CADD Info > Drawings > Standard Sheets (Metric) > 619 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic Note: Effective May 2017 no new or updated versions of Metric Standard sheets will be published. FULL CURB TO CURB RESTORATION WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE WORK. The first option (see Diagram 1) is by using the DOT on-line NYCStreets Permit Management system. Outlined below are the basic application procedures for Street Opening Permits. AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT A CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FAMILIAR WITH THIS PROJECT IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND WEEKLY TUESDAY MEETINGS AT 115 BROADWAY 5TH FL OF THE L.M.C.C.C. The applicant must obtain CGL insurance policies written by companies that may lawfully issue such policies, with an A.M. Best rating of at least A-VII or a Standard & Poor's rating of at least AA. If the insurance is not current, the request will be denied. Questions regarding permit registration or application processes can be directed to any Permit Office. THIS PERMIT ONLY ALLOWS FOR THE CLOSURE OF A ROADWAY OR SIDEWALK AS STIPULATED. To request a release of a SAM hold, the borough ASHO must be contacted to discuss the work and allow the ASHO to determine the extent of the restoration requirements. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Brooklyn It includes capital construction projects. The Bronx Existing InfrastructurePermittees must not remove parking meters, traffic signs, street lights, street furniture, and similar items unless authorized on the permit. Ride the Staten Island Ferry. Unauthorized removal of muni-meters is prohibited. The Standard Sheet Books are also available as compiled .pdf files for the critical letting dates for which they were applicable. THIS PERMIT REQUIRED AN ODV PERMIT WHICH MUST BE IN THE VEHICLE FOR INSPECTION BY A POLICE OFFICER AND OR AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENTAL EMPLOYEE UPON REQUEST. VMS BOARD MUST BE REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF THE APPROVED CLOSURE. Division of Review & Construction Compliance (718) 595-5223 or This form cannot be used if the permit has already expired. HOWEVER IT MUST BE PRESENTED FOR EXTENSION NO LATER THAN 5 BUS DAYS PRIOR TO EXPIRING. BLNRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #5 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. Entities that perform work in the streetsfrom utilities or contractors accessing subsurface infrastructure to property owners repairing sidewalksmust follow certain procedures when undertaking such work and must meet restoration requirements following its completion. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Manhattan Applications for most permit types can be submitted to the Manhattan Central Permit Office. To request release of an STP hold, the applicant must contact the HIQA borough office in the borough in which the proposed work is to be performed. MAINTAIN 2 LANES SOUTHBOUND AND 1 LANE NORTHBOUND FROM 7AM-9AM M-F. DURING RESTORATION SAW CUTTING IS REQUIRED AS PER DRAWING H-1042A, THE PERMITTEE IS NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER, OCCUPY OR USE ANY PUBLICLY-OWNED OR PRIVATELY OWNED, NON-PAVED, LANDSCAPED OR NON-LANDSCAPED LOCATION WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN PERMISSION. In some cases, applications and supporting documentation must be submitted in person. Sidewalk Construction Permits apply to any repairs, replacements or new sidewalk installations. Winter holiday embargoThe winter holiday embargo typically starts in mid-November and lasts through January 2. All other times: (718) 433-3447, The Bronx and North Queens (north of the Long Island Expressway) Capital Project In-House (CPI) hold A CPI hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit location involves a street that will be resurfaced by a NYC DOT in-house resurfacing operation in the near future. Staten Island, NY 10301 PERMITTEE MAY OCCUPY CURB LANE 24/7 FROM 10/4 THROUGH OCTOBER 10/15/2010. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. At the HIQA borough office, applicants will be given a Canopy Authorization Application (. Poles (POL) hold A POL hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit work is for the installation of a pole on the sidewalk, which must be reviewed, approved and released by NYC DOT Street Lighting. Email:, OCMC imposes construction embargoes* for significant special events including the New York City Marathon, parades, high profile projects and for the winter holiday season. There is one permit application form that covers Street Opening, Building Operations/Construction Activity, and Sidewalk Construction permits for non-governmental work. TWO SPEED REDUCERS ARE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. NYC DOT issues permits for two types of vaults: building vaults and transformer vaults. A permit is required to place any construction trailer or similar structure in the street. CPI holds are regularly released by the borough Administrative Superintendent of Highway Operations (ASHO) if the proposed work does not interfere with the in-house street resurfacing operation. (212) 839-2399 (212) 839-8857 40 Worth Street 8th Floor Kew Gardens, NY 11424 80-30 Park Lane All other inquiries: (718) 222-7207 Minimum slopes should be used wherever possible. DOT uses higher wattages on wide or commercial corridors and lower wattages on narrow or residential streets. Additional requirements are contained in Sections 2-02 and 2-05 of the Highway Rulesand should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. A sidewalk is the portion of a street, intended for the use of pedestrians, between the roadway and adjacent property lines. THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 12"BEYOND FURTHEST CUT TO CURB LINE FOR ALL CUTS AS AGREED TO W ITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. The maximum transverse slope permitted for vault covers, gratings and other sidewalk structures is 1" in 5'. 55 Water Street, Concourse Level A VMS BOARD MUST BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 7 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO CLOSURE WITHIN A LEGAL PARKING SPACE ENTERING THE STREET TO BE CLOSED. WORK BEING PERFORMED IS FOR EMERGENCY SIDEWALK REPAIRS DUE TO TORNADOS. MAY WORK 7AM TO 8PM IN PARKING LANE ONLY TO OPEN UNDERGROUND STREET ACCESS COVERS FOR REPAIRS AND OR CABLE PULLS. A scale of one to five $ symbols is used rather than specific monetary amounts because actual costs are subject to change. Tel: 311 or (718) 422-8700, Public Design Commission of the City of New York (PDC) (718) 391-1110 Applications for renewal of a canopy maintenance permit must be made at least one month prior to the permit expiration date and must be submitted to the Permit Office in the borough in which the canopy is located. (IV) FIVE FEET OF RAIL ROAD TRACKS. Contact PEU for further information regarding the procedure to obtain initial and final approval for a transformer vault. Files: DIGITALLY SIGNED PDF FILES. ONLY FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS. SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL M.U.T.C.D.MANUAL. Common examples include approval from the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks) if any street trees or tree pits will be affected by the proposed work; a permit from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) if any water or sewer line will be affected; and a Certificate of Appropriateness from the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) if the proposed work is within an Historic District. Office hours: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. NOTARIZE THE FORM. (718) 222-7307 Brooklyn, NY 11215 Share long-term capital plans for planned repairs, upgrades and new APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE IS REQUIRED BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. COLORED ROADWAY AND OR SPECIAL MARKINGS ARE LOCATED ON THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. PHONE#508-429-6023. New York City streets include a complex mix of assets such as electric, gas, telephone, cable, water, sewer and steam lines, requiring coordination among the different asset owners when street work is performed. Sidewalk flagsMust be 5'x 5' where feasibleAll flags containing substantial defects as defined in the Highway Rules must be replaced; patching of individual flags is not permitted. IF PERMIT ALLOWS WORK TO 6PM WEEKDAYS WORK MAY ALSO OCCUR FROM 6PM TO 11PM WEEKDAYS FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEP INSPECTION ONLY WITH INSPECTOR ON SITE. PERMITTEE/SPONSORING AGENCY REQUIRED TO POST ADVISORY SIGNS ON THE SEGMENT AFFECTED MIN 48-HRS PRIOR TO CHANGING EXISTING SIGNS. PRIOR TO BEGINING ANY WORK, TO ENSURE THAT YOU RESTORE THE AREA IN-KIND, YOU MUST CONTACT THE NYCDOT RED LIGHT CAMERA UNIT TO OBTAIN THE CONSTRUCTION AND MARKINGS PLANS FOR THIS WORK AREA. **DOT's lighting division generally classifies cross streets as local roadways*DOT's lighting division generally classifies avenues and boulevards as collector roadways. These forms may also be found inAppendix B, Forms. HIQA also releases many holds. The city has master revocable consent agreements with electric utility companies that allow them to occupy and use city property for transformer vaults. For failure to comply with the terms or conditions of such permit, the Highway Rules or other applicable law in carrying out the activity for which the permit was issued; Whenever there has been any false statement or any misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or accompanying papers upon which the issuance of the permit was based; or. To release a VLT hold, the Permit Offices Plan Examination Unit must be contacted. The concrete base must be restored at the same grade as the existing base; at no time may it be brought up to the asphalt course unless authorized by NYC DOT. For further information, call (212) 839-9435. New York, NY 10004 Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits are generally taken out by entities that perform construction activities, including developers and contractors. The applicant must satisfy all of the requirements listed in section 2-02(a) (3) of the. Plumbers*: Enter the plumber's license number and name on license (if applicable). Manuals and Standards. For street operations, a crane permit is required for all cranes and derricks operating in the street with a maximum rated capacity greater than 20 tons and which are not related to building operations. 47-40 21st Street AT REQUEST OF DEP LETTER DATED 6/16/05 WITH C.B. SUMMER RELIEF SYSTEM UPGRADE. Office Hours: MondayFriday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Any of these holds will prevent a permittee from applying for new permits: New York City Department of Finance (DOF or Finance) hold If a permittee has failed to pay previously issued summonses/Notices of Violation (NOVs) to the New York City Environmental Control Board (ECB), all future permit requests may be placed on hold until the fees associated with the outstanding summonses/NOVs are paid. Customer Service: (212) 566-0042, Queens Questions regarding permit registration can be directed to the central Permit Office. BACKFILL/COMPACT IN 12 INCH LIFTS. Third, following installation of the canopy, a final inspection by HIQA is required to confirm compliance with the applicant's submitted plans. A Full Closure Review (FCR) hold is triggered when a street is closed for 90 days. USE OF METERED,AUTHORIZED PARKING AND NO STANDING ZONES IS PROHIBITED. A street is considered to be protected for five years from the date it was last resurfaced or reconstructed. A permit is not required to install, repave, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk where the work involves an area of less than 25 square feet, unless the purpose of the work is to remove a violation. RESTORATION MUST BE FULL DEPTH CONCRETE AS PER FIRST AVE SPEC,1042A,B & 1050. ANY STORAGE OF MATERIAL OR STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT REQUIRES A SEPARATE PERMIT. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Fax: 718-286-3183, Staten Island When utility company representatives mark a location, they use colored flags and/or paint to identify the type of underground service: Streets can hide a complex infrastructure of underground utilities. Additional requirements are contained in Sections 2-02 and 2-11 of the Highway Rules and should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. See Chapter 3Permits and Approvals for more information. CONTRACTOR MUST CALL HIQA BOROUGH OFFICE BEFORE REPLACING COBBLESTONES SO HIQA CAN MONITOR THE REPLACEMENT. A statement that the canopy design and construction conforms to NYC DOT Standard Details of Construction. 30-30 Thomson Avenue, 4th Floor Applicants must submit a completed permit application. SIDEWALK RESTORATION AT THIS LOCATION REQUIRES SIDEWALK STANDARD 4.13C. OCMC will review the project to determine if a Community Reassessment Impact and Amelioration (CRIA) statement must be submitted to NYC DOT. The Street Design Manual is New York Citys comprehensive resource for street design standards, guidelines, and policies. For hearings, Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. New York, NY 10038 Call before you dig. DOT currently specifies 3000 Kelvin as the color temperature for all luminaires. 22 Reade Street (212) 748-6670 INTRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #7 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. New York, NY 10007 While the situation is evolving, the agency remains committed to applying the principles and proven treatments included in the Street Design Manual to support the health and safety of all New Yorkers. New York 811 then relays digging and excavation requests to its member network of utility companies and underground facility owners, who are required to mark the location of their underground facilities within two working days. Management of New York City's street infrastructure is critical to the city's economic well-being and quality of life. WAIVER TO WORK DURING 2010 HOLIDAY EMBARGO GRANTED FOR THIS PERMIT. The construction, alteration or repair of any building vault or transformer vault requires a permit from NYC DOT. Permit Bond. 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor Thousands of miles of utility pipes, cables and other equipment are beneath the streets of New York City. See Section 3.5.1 Holds for more information. FIRE/EMERGENCY ACCESS/EVACUATION POINTS FOR ALL BUILDINGS CANNOT BE ENCROACHED. THIS STIP IS USED FOR WORK IN NUMEROUS LANES BUT NOT FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE BLOCK. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT DISRUPT OR DAMAGE SENSORS INSTALLED WITHIN THE PARKING_LN. ON STIP WAGE02), WORK NORTHBOUND 7AM-4PM M-F AND 9AM-6PM SAT/SUN. In some cases, applications and supporting documentation must be submitted in person, however the majority of permit applications may be submitted online. THE PERMITTEE MAY BE REQUIRED TO PAY STATION DEACTIVIATION AND/OR REMOVAL CHARGES. WORK 7 PM FRIDAY TO 6 AM MONDAY AND 7 PM-6 AM WEEKNIGHTS. MANTAIN 1 13 FOOT LANE EAST BOUND, 1 15 FOOT LANE WEST BOUND. WALKWAY MUST BE RAMPED AT ENTRY TO SIDEWALK FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY. In order to apply for an embargo waiver, a Request for Roadway/Sidewalk Permits during Embargo Periods form must be submitted for review and consideration to the Permit Office. WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH OCMC STIP SHEET AND ALL VALID AMENDMENTS, AND LOCATION SHEET WHICH MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS PERMIT AND ON SITE. CONTRACTORS SHALL NOTIFY IN WRITING BY LETTER POLICE, FIRE, EMS, COMMUNITY BOARDS, AND ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ON THE AFFECTED STREET SEGMENT A MINIMUM OF 7 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO CLOSURE. Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits are designated as the "02" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "02". Attn: Forestry 40 Worth Street 8th Floor SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Bronx, NY 10458-5891 NO WORK ON JULY 12, 2005. Concrete (CON) hold All permits issued to work on concrete portions of the roadway are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. THE SIGN MUST BE PLACED AT A HEIGHT OF 7 TO 10 FEET AND STATE THE STREET TO BE CLOSED AND THE DATES AND TIMES OF THE CLOSURE. The guidance presented in the Street Works Manual does not supersede any existing federal, state or city laws, rules and regulations. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Fax: (718) 699-7491 See Section 3.5.1 Holds for more information. Private property owners are responsible for installing, repairing and maintaining sidewalks abutting their properties. These forms may also be found inAppendix B, Forms. Office hours: 8:30 AM-3:30 PM. The following are laws, rules, regulations, and design guidance documents that may be relevant to the design of streets. Projects requiring sidewalk closure may require additional permits. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Brooklyn Permits reissued after three business days must be subject to the full permit fee. WORK SATURDAY, 8 AM-6 PM AND SUNDAY 9 AM-6 PM. SOUTH CURB LANE MAY BE OCCUPIED AT ALL TIMES.FOR PUMPING OPERATION MAY ALSO TAKE THE ADJACENT LANE 7AM-4PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY WHILE MAINTAINING ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR TRAFFIC. Only a canopy installer or authorized agent that is registered with NYC DOT can apply for a permit to install the canopy. Brooklyn, NY 11202 This chapter describes the basic steps for performing work in the street, for restoring the street after work is performed, and for responding to each type of notice or request that may be issued during a Highway Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) inspection. APPROVAL FROM THE LANDMARK PRESERVATION COMMISSION IS REQUIRED BEFORE WORK COMMENCES. MUST COMPLY WITH DEP NOISE REQUIREMENTS. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Lower Manhattan (south of Canal Street) ALL OCCUPANCY OF THE ROADWAY SHALL BE CONFINED TO THE PARKING LANE ONLY, WITH NO IMPACT ON THE BIKE LANE OR TRAVEL LANES AT ANY TIME. If the proposed work location is in protected street status, the application will automatically be placed on SAM hold for further review. DOTs lighting-levels and uniformity guidelines are based on those established by the IES Roadway Lighting standard RP-8-14 (or more stringent where needed). PARKING OF NON-COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON THE STREET (ROADWAY AND SIDEWALK) WITHIN WORK ZONES IS PROHIBITED. Applicants must first submit an Emergency Street Opening Permit Form. This number should be kept confidential and only used to apply for NYC DOT permits. To request release of a Revenue hold, the permittee must contact NYC DOT's Fiscal Affairs Office to arrange for payment of outstanding bills.
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