A legal entity (human being) is of form, the antithesis of substance and therefore wanting (empty), and cannot be counted. Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass found the governments decision to immediately lock down the towers violated the human rights of tenants, who were not given a chance to prepare for restrictions, while the rest of the state was given a chance to prepare for restrictions. 03 Mar 2023 23:06:41 This means any failure of DUE PROCESS or failure to account for RELIEF by the COURT obligates to compensate the individual accused. The adjournment was sought by the VLSB in order to allow time for Hall & Wilcox to undertake national advertising to reach out to the Class Action Clients, to make contact with them, as they did not believe that Serene, and her clients were disgusted and angry and did not want to hand over their information to Jacob Uljans, whom was attempting to extort them for their information, in order to identify the Class Action clients. 3. For security reasons this Office is unable to give you any information about whether or not you have ever been of interest to an Australian intelligence agency. As Natural Laws define the operation and existence of the physical universe, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law enacted by men and women through proper authority in accordance with these canons for the governance of a society. I refer to your request for information that may be held in Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) records. https://aetherical.blogspot.com/p/lawful-and-legal.html, The Victorian Legal Services Board have violated the Magna Carta and in that each member is guilty and punishable in that they can all lose their law licences forever. In Australia, Teffahas Victorian and national class actions are right in the face of that manufactured story that is driving a full-frontal assault on basic rights and freedoms.Wood, one of Americas most prominent defamation lawyers, has managed to fight off efforts by the State Bar of Georgia to have his law license revoked, but Teffaha has already been dealt that blow by the cowards who inhabit the legal, political and banking establishment.In a post on Telegram Tara Garozzo, a Brisbane candidate for the Informed Medical Options Party said this is what happens to anyone who challenges the corruption in our Australian system and what they will do to protect themselves and their high-end thugs. I have been gang stalked intensively since the middle of 2018 and less intensively since the end of 2014. CEO Serene Teffaha has 15 years experience as a practicing Lawyer. Dr van Diemen, who was the most senior public health official on the day of the decision, told Ms Glass she was quite terrified that we would see within a week many hundreds of [COVID-19] cases, but that delaying a day would not have made a hugely significant difference. She has passed her cases to another lawyer who they are now trying to silence as well. Garozzo said one of Teffahas clients was a victim in the Melbourne public housing towers lockdown a woman who was suicidal. Its a trend that experts are increasingly familiar with. Andrew thats so wrong in so many levels that ASIO is harassing you is what happens to anyone stands up to corruption in the Government and can not believe in the reply back labelling it with ANTIFA did not think Australia had ANTIFA considering that George Soros finances them not sure be sending so many to Australia cost him a small fortune. By Dr. Mike Williams It's 2023 and excess deaths are still high above their normal baselines in many countries. 10 Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees. At this stage Serene will only be taking cases in relation to these class actions." Visit Serenes website Visit Serenes YouTube channel Multi-level marketing has proven a haven for conspiracy theorists in the wellness sphere. Teffaha was reportedly referred to Queenslands legal services board last month by a magistrate after submissions she made in a case in that state. A lawyer collected more than $650,000 for a proposed class action promoting unproven COVID-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing and face masks. 12 July 2021. My address is [Address Withheld]. This branding is the polar opposite of raw QAnon.. Divine Law cannot be written or created, only instructed by Divine Grace in accordance with these canons. In Teffaha v Victorian Legal Services Board (Legal Practice) [2021] VCAT 590 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal refused a sole practitioner's application for a stay of the decision by the Victorian Legal Services Board (the board) to cancel her practising certificate. Kate and Anthony Golle. He announced to his followers that he had spent the day handing out similar information at aged care homes throughout the city. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court . Our lawyer, Serene Teffaha from Advocate Me, will be representing the following: People who have been suspended or terminated from their employment, as well as people who have been threatened because of their refusal- based on all reasons whether religious, no safety studies, being pregnant etc. And in the desolation which will come from dafar? James 4:12 There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another. Source. She said the authority had sent her a list of one million and one questions including over the class action lawsuits. The de jure still exists, but it has been overlaid by the de facto, and the people have been induced to abandon the de jure and use the de facto. Pingback: Serene Teffaha becomes Australias Lin Wood as establishment attacks - Real Insight, Pingback: Serenes back and fighting fit with class action relaunched and cases running - Real Insight, had she rejected the alteration OFFER to her contract within 72 hours she may have retained her foreign agent Bar Club status. Date: 4/21/2021 at 4:12 PM As a point of interest; Judge Hempel has quite an incriminating public record and reputation that can be easily discovered by anyone wishing to research her. We will keep calling them all out until theres a revolution on the streets and if we need to shed blood for peace, then so be it, Teffaha said at the protest, which she later clarified was not meant to be taken literally. Once again; in a very predictable move; VCAT appointed Vice President Judge Felicity Hampel to preside over the VCAT proceedings instead of a VCAT member. Serene also runs regular public awareness campaigns and organises various actions in a lawful manner in order to mobilise people with the sole purpose of creating change. All rights Reserved. MELBOURNE, Australia A lawyer collected more than AUD 650,000 ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks. Moving forward, Id like to welcome and invite cohesive, clear and calm communication around mandatory vaccines, ethical vaccine testing and how to support every human being to have the right to freedom of choice.. Im pretty confident it hasnt happened before, Mr Armstong said. This is unheard of. However it is important to note that the focus of these agencies is the protection of Australia from threats to Australias security, not on causing harm to families or individuals. Serene continues to fight for the Australian people who have a right to be heard and represented. A senior member of the Family Court of Australia, deputy principal registrar Virginia Wilson, sent a letter to the Victorian Legal Services Board in January about Ms Teffahas conduct in a family law case when Justice Kirsty Marion Macmillan took the unusual step of restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. There is strong evidence to suggest that some of these people are affiliated with the organisation operating in Australia known as ANTIFA. A fiction and a lie can never be a reality and a truth. Family Court had many corruption issues. She has also written a whistleblower complaint against the so-called legal watchdog for what she considered to be the targeting of her litigation.Again, it looks like Australian law, political and banking interests have shown themselves to be under the sway of dark forces with their vicious, vindictive, unjust and unlawful treatment of Teffaha. The towers lawsuit lodged in the supreme court last week alleges the more than 3,000 residents in nine public housing towers subject to a five-day lockdown in July last year suffered degrading and oppressive conditions that breached their human rights. Well, thank God they didn't. Serene Teffaha is strutting around and can easily become the biggest thorn-in-the-side Australia's courts have ever had. Serene Teffaha, who has filed a lawsuit against Victorias Covid lockdown, says the states Legal Services Board has threatened to cancel her. The language and ideals of the wellness industry are being used to bring conspiracy theories to a new and more mainstream audience. His earlier Instagram posts mix Kendrick Lamar concerts, shirtless selfies and luxury cars with self-help quotes, offers of mentorship for cryptocurrency investors and plugs for his clothing line. Facebook Watch video from TheInformer: 17K views, 259 likes, 113 loves, 134 comments, 400. Why are we not allowed a voice to be heard? It was all care and no responsibility, she says. I trust the attached document about accessing intelligence agency records will help you locate the records you seek. But the Guardian has confirmed Teffaha is the subject of an investigation by the Victorian Legal Services Board, the body charged with regulating the legal profession in the state. While a spokesman for the VLSB said it did not comment on current investigations, in posts made on social media and in an interview with the Guardian, Teffaha claimed the authority had threatened to cancel her. Wilson believes for example that the rise of social media alongside the burgeoning wellness community spawned a new generation of influencers less moored to conventional sources of information. Over the past ten years, I have expressed criticism of the Australian government in emails, on websites that I have published and in posts I have made on various websites under my own name, such as mainstream media websites, with a view to playing my part as an Australian citizen in improving the way in which this country is governed. I will be revealing everything and I will be defending myself. No credit card required. Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. According to a report in the Queensland Times, magistrate Anthony Gett referred her to that states Legal Services Commission over submissions in court that he said may be prejudicial to or diminish the public confidence in the administration of justice. How governments were left playing catch-up on misinformation. http://one-heaven.org/lexica/en/define/laws.html. Our single page document - Notice of Claim to Protest. restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. Consult the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security on any FOI or Archives Act request. Indeed, she is just one of a number of high-profile people who has used the language and ideals of the wellness industry with its preoccupation with individual choice, mindfulness and health to bring a gamut of once-fringe conspiracy theories to a new and more mainstream audience. Teffaha told the Guardian there were currently only about seven people signed onto the lawsuit, but that hundreds had expressed interest in joining. They have not only cancelled Serenes licence but now recently the Commonwealth Bank of Australia has seized Serenes trust fund a trust fund that the people of Australia have kindly donated so that she can continue her work of taking down this corruption. If this e-mail or any attachments have been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information in the e-mail or attachments. My [Withheld] drivers licence number is [Drivers Licence Number Withheld]. The class action has not yet been listed for a hearing date. She wants to consider my material in less than 1.5 hours so that she can proceed at 10:30am tomorrow. . If you are concerned about your safety and the harassing behaviour of your housemates, I suggest you contact your local police. Melbourne is now out of lockdown but United Collectives ongoing relevance has much to do with its ability to pivot focus. But, she says, there is also a more cynical play for attention in an economy that is built around personal branding. The very charge . am enduring the same treatment at the hands of the SA judiciary in Adelaide.since 2011 when i uncovered the corruption within the current NHVR board.they are controlling the fines unit (FERU) run by a corrupt political group called the LIBERAL government run by a corrupt politician steven marshall.bucky 0428896440 i have posted on my website,the latest letters in ongoing objections. They also handed control of her firm to the big corporate law firm Hall and Wilcox, which is demanding $600 for every class action client who wants a refund. She told the Guardian that the complaint had been transferred to the VLSB, which had sent her correspondence basically saying were going to cancel your licence. 1. and 2. will definitely stand in Court. Required fields are marked *. Dear Serene, I am so proud of you and to be in your class action group from the beginning. Subject: Enquiry regarding actions of ASIO against Andrew [Middle Name Withheld] Mackinnon You are an inspiration to me. Please feel free to contact me. The Age reported the board has not said what led to the cancellation of Ms Teffahas licence. Teffaha has handed her housing shutdown clients over to another lawyer and said that lawyer was now under threat due to the VLSB actions. A lawyer who has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Victorian government on behalf of public housing tower residents who were shut inside their homes during Melbournes 2020 Covid lockdown is under investigation by the states legal services board. Serene Teffaha was also behind a class action filed on behalf of Melbourne public housing tower residents subject to a hard lockdown last year. The lawyer behind a class action for locked down public housing tower residents has cried in court. I believe that this harassment intensified after Peter Dutton became the Minister for Home Affairs on 20th December, 2017, which made him responsible for the Department of Home Affairs and therefore responsible for the operation of ASIO. Despite Facebooks pledges to crack down on conspiracy content, the group, which has more than 42,000 members, is a rabbit warren of QAnon content, and a glimpse at how the co-option of #savethechildren helped guide a new audience to it. Instead of releasing this person to seek medical attention, she was thrown against a wall by one of the police officers. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. Defining Moment. Then the Keeper of the Jewel House shall deliver to the Archbishop the Queens Ring, wherein is set a sapphire and upon it a ruby cross: the Archbishop shall put it on the fourth finger of her Majestys right hand, and say: It also appears that the sham media has also backed off Serenes case and a Personal Safety Intervention Order has finally been undertaken by Victoria Police against Lucky Lance, whom has been stalking Serene and making her feel unsafe. Serene provides legal information to assist her clients, and of those who may be unrepresented, may also provide pro-bono support as a friend of the court. Brazenly; the Victorian Legal Services Board then commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria to silence Serene from speaking out on behalf of her clients; not just as a lawyer but also as a normal civilian, whose life mission has been to help others. During Melbournes Covid-19 lockdown, Wilson saw an amplification in something she had long been noticing within that world: a confounding venn diagram that has seen the new-age, love n light, wellness industry merging with conspiracy-focused beliefs about vaccinations, 5G and QAnon. In early February, Matt Lawson, the anti-5G activist who had appeared with the anonymous actor and Evans back in August, filmed himself arriving at an aged care home to deliver a bundle of pamphlets containing vaccine misinformation. crisscross767 | April 22, 2021 at 4:24 am. Since any human being who as such is a legal entity, a human being is of form as well. [image: Serene Vic .bmp]. Interesting legal antics played out at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on Tuesday 25 May 2021 where Victorian advocate lawyer Serene Teffaha presented her case to stay the decision of Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB) canceling her license to practice. The board confirmed it had cancelled the licence of solicitor Serene Teffaha, saying the Melbourne lawyer no longer has a practising certificate and cannot engage in legal practice. Thank you. In what clearly is an even more absurd move, both matters, the one commenced by VLSB in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the one commenced by Serene in VCAT have now both been adjourned by the VLSB (perhaps it has something to do with their inability to obtain representation?). This is an exempt document under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and may be an exempt record under the Archives Act 1983. You also requested that we provide written details of any relevant ASIO activities. Ms Teffaha was previously a senior lawyer with the Australian Taxation Office but left after lodging a whistleblower complaint and subsequently sued the ATO. Besides the estate towers class action, Teffaha has for months been raising money for a separate national class action lawsuit that would, she claims, encompass any form of detention during the pandemic including people stopped by border closures. n August last year, Matt Lawson, a Melbourne-based conspiracy theorist and anti-5G activist linked to the group that helped organise the citys anti-lockdown protests last year, held one of his regular YouTube gabfests. Ordinarily the clients action would continue. There is way too much corruption in this country.. As envisioned; Judge Hampel provided a contradictory judgment, purporting that Serene is a risk to public interest despite not having one client complaint against her. They have threatened Serene, tried to intimidate her and are now blackmailing her to provide all confidential information of her clients and their cases without her clients permission or consent if they wish for their money to be returned.This is total extortion at its highest level. Serene also represents vulnerable clients involved in child sex abuse, police brutality, whistle . Serene was ready to add the current clients of Advocate Me as another party to the proceedings; however, in an unusual and surprising move, the VLSB sought an adjournment, which was granted by Justice Richards (after the recusal of Justice Forbes). Location Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Work Principal Lawyer @ Advocate Me Nutritionist at Serene Nature House @ Serene Nature House Senior Technical Officer @ Australian Taxation Office The only jurisdiction where our unalienable rights can be protected is in the exclusive jurisdiction of equity, and if Serena was to awake to this reality, and verse herself with its inherent power, then the tyrants would have real problems. 03 Mar 2023 22:16:37 Were working to restore it. The matter has arrived at a stalemate as they call it; and while Serene and her clients will continue their pursuit to have their stolen funds returned; Serene and her clients have their focus on restoring dignity, liberty and truth to the people of Australia. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court . One Facebook group seen by the Guardian called Advocates Against Trafficking states that it was started by doTERRA Wellness Advocates to collaborate and raise awareness and money to STOP child sex trafficking!. Our Morning Edition newsletter is a curated guide to the most important and interesting stories, analysis and insights. Serene has been tireless in her fight against the extreme measures taken in Australia in particular Victoria and offers every Australian the opportunity to take part in the class action. All the information which comes out when you look at what he might be doing is pretty fascinating and mind-boggling. she said. His lawyer Serene Teffaha was about to address the court when the anti-lockdown protester interrupted. Melbourne lawyer Serene Teffaha and her team are running a class action, which all Australians can join, to challenge our heads of governments on their use of laws and statistics to enable and justify their Covid-19 responses. We the people must bring an end to this corruption. Lets get a site together where we can support her.. Forwarded message from IGIS Complaints As the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, I demand that you release to me in hard-copy writing the full details of any action ASIO has taken against me since the middle of 2018 in particular and at any time in my life earlier. Australian Constitutional Law. They want the details of all my clients, they want to know what my barristers think of the cases, theyre trying to speak on behalf of all my clients when not a single one of them has made a complaint against me, she told the Guardian. Serene Teffaha becomes Australias Lin Wood as establishment attacks, Serene Teffaha becomes Australias Lin Wood as establishment attacks - Real Insight, Serenes back and fighting fit with class action relaunched and cases running - Real Insight, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389361. A legal entity has been formed by man. In the UK, the conversation has reached the level of both public and political importance. Because of the abrupt and unlawful conduct of the VLSB, many group members are still reaching out to Advocate Me, however, we have ensured that these group members get referred to Clemens Haskin Legal for support. Two related court cases are already underway. It is evident that the disturbed forces unleashed against her are backing off temporarily, as they are at a loss as to how to deal with her. Update on Serene Teffaha , principal Lawyer of Advocate Me who had a win in the Vic Supreme Court on Thursday. It also alleges Hassan and his son both suffered from asthma attacks after they ran out of medication during the lockdown. The Victorian Ombudsman, whom was asked to intervene in the matter, refused to provide any constructive assistance to the clients of Advocate Me, exonerating themselves from any participation. As wellness became more fashionable, it devolved into what she called a green-smoothie elitism which replaced those legitimate questions about the power of various industries with a more wishy-washy, truth-lite which put individuals above the common good. In August last year, she also appeared on a YouTube discussion with a number of high-profile Australian conspiracy theorists including Evans and the anti-5G activist Matt Lawson who has also attempted to distribute vaccine misinformation to aged-care homes during the pandemic. Indeed, his personal website still contains the banner slogan grow your wealth. A shungite pyramid crystal will protect a radius of approximately 6-7 metres, his website claims, and costs $226, reduced from $256. Its all tied up in that wellness, Instagram influencer grift; its how they make money.. 23,260 views Aug 9, 2020 774 Dislike Office of General Executor Draconian measures undertaken by. Two lawyers active in anti-mandate lawsuits, Serene Teffaha and Nathan Buckley, have had their licences to practise law suspended by state watchdogs. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. A senior member of the Family Court of Australia, deputy principal registrar Virginia Wilson, sent a letter to the Victorian Legal Services Board in January about Ms Teffaha's conduct in a family law case when Justice Kirsty Marion Macmillan took the unusual step of restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. A lady with guts that needs all the help people can give her. the dominating corporate-government-media and legal elite are indignant that their essential narratives are being questioned and challenged lawfully. god please help us all return to goodness truth honour and you, god please help us ajj return to goodness truth honour and you. Lawyer Serene Teffaha explains the Law re: Bio-security act - forced medical measures & procedures The Crazz Files August 14, 2020 Jace Ventura Draconian measures undertaken by Australian Government are unlawful. In her Advocacy capacity, Serene empowers her clients with the knowledge and understanding of their situation in order to de-escalate their issue and attempt to negotiate a resolution. Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. Serene Teffaha, a senior tax technical specialist of 12 years standing, is suing the ATO in the Federal Magistrates Court under the Fair Work Act 2009, alleging eight adverse actions as a result of lodging a whistleblower complaint she was entitled to make under the Public Service Act. The antithesis of substance; the appearance or superficial aspect rather than the substance or the essence. Serene Teffaha, a senior ATO lawyer engaged as a tax technical specialist, last week lodged a statement of claim in the Federal Court alleging the Commissioner of Taxation, acting on behalf of the . Queensland premier urges PM to halve international arrivals as state records one new Covid case, Airlines say planes were stuck on tarmac waiting for Scott Morrison Covid press conferences, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Anti-lockdown protesters hold placards on the steps of Victorias state parliament in Melbourne in May 2020. Alongside him will be Serene Teffaha, an anti-lockdown activist who, in August, told her 17,000 followers, "Israel is derived from pagan sacrifice philosophy as an occultist testing hub globally." . In the post, Corn warned that QAnons manipulative messaging was deliberately and strategically targeting the wellness community to win over followers. becky ending explained. To that extent I feel a little grubby because I became a little bit of a mentor to these people. On Monday The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the watchdog had written to Ms Teffaha in March to provide her with a notice of proposed cancellation of practising certificate. Thanks to Serenes tenacity and love for her clients, their confidentiality and privacy has not been breached. Natural Person = human being = legal entity. This is a role that he relinquished on 30th March, 2021. The class action claims to represent all 3000 people subjected to the compulsory lockdown. Nor is it possible for a Cognitive Law or Natural Law to abrogate, suspend or change a Divine Law. New guidance on . as the Defender of Christs Religion; Yet officials are baffled at this deadly mystery.
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