OMG! We dont know how everybodys going to react, and I wouldnt want to ruin anyones vacation. Sophie answered, wishing the thought of telling everybody would stop sending shivers down her spine. You do realize none of us believe you, right? Marella said, So just tell us. Login to review. I get that youre trying to be nice and all, but its coming off pretty harsh. He draped his arm around Sophies shoulders protectively. It's hard to describe, Ill just show you, He pulled out a small black box out of the bags, handing it to Sophie. I dont want any of your pity. It was beautiful and unique, but not flashy. She glanced back at her friends to see how they were doing. Dex, Marella, and Fitz all ordered single flavors; blue raspberry, root beer, and vanilla respectively. I was a total nervous wreck. This is my first real attempt at a published fanfic, so please check it out! They crashed together, nearly falling in a heap, and they were so busy untangling themselves that it took several seconds for them to realize that they had made it to their friends. He was her friend, teasing and joking with her. Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. Well, you have to admit 'daughters love interest joins the Neverseen and it goes wrong does sound familiar, Keefe conceded. I wanted to do something nice to commemorate our last full day here. People around turned their heads as she whispered, Sorry. Keefe cracked up as she turned back to keep watching the movie. Sophie was more than happy to wait. Everything will be fine.". Why do I have to room with Bangs Boy? Keefe whined. The gentle shade of a palm tree loomed over Sophie and Biana, who were sitting on the beach near their hotel. Oh. Sophie was surprised to see that the human girl had also boarded the same shuttle as her group. Oh, that, Keefe started, but then he paused, looking at Sophie. And Keefe? The love of her life. He said, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling his head into her neck. Its your choice, and if you dont want to sign up for your match lists, then theres nothing I can do to stop you. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction Hope you like it!!! But something was missing in this picture. Elwin reluctantly let Sophie stay with Keefe. That everything was still normal. They told Sophie over and over again they would never stop loving her, but Sophie was over the moon excited for more siblings. I can accept that. I want to make sure youve truly thought through what that means. Fitz blushed neon red as he picked up his bag and hurried out. They laughed for minutes, their laughs dissolving into giggles before finally stopping. Another hour had passed, and they still had yet to find anything that worked. Promise never to do that again, it was torture waiting to publish this story that I had written literally days before you guys even hit ten reads. Well, there arent a whole lot of brown gemstones, at least not at this store, so I got you something else. He explained, but it didnt quite feel like the truth, at least not the whole truth. I wasnt actually cold, but I could tell you were, and I knew you wouldnt go back to the hotel unless we both needed something. Did you miss me? he asked with an exaggerated wink. They managed to get through the security line without much trouble, though they did stop Dex when they saw the strange gadgets he was carrying in his suitcase. Probably the shortest fanfic ever. Grady isn't exactly my biggest fan., Sophies stomach felt like she had eaten rocks for dinner. The shuttle rumbled along through the breathtaking scenery as their hotel came into view. I just dont know how I can stay friends with you if you keep bringing this up, he added coldly, and Sophie finally snapped. She was surprised that Fitz hadnt told anyone about their argument, not even his own sister. Because I also answer to Lord Hunkyhair, Keefe smirked and flipped his hair for extra effect as water sprayed out from his tousled blond strands, shining in the sun. I'm glad you did. Dex snickered and whispered back, I brought balding serums. Sophie barely resisted the urge to groan and hit him over the head with a suitcase. Adorable Sokeefe Fanfic Series. You know me so well! I can't believe we forgot to get some earlier! she called, her eyes wide. Yeah, just friends. Sophie stuttered, her cheeks suddenly on fire. Keefe rolled his eyes and smiled. Across the aisle, Sophie could tell that the human girl was talking to Fitz and Biana, and she was glad that they werent freaking out like Keefe was. She stopped her thoughts. Sophie turned her hair in his direction and inhaled sharply. Ok, Sophie said with a large sigh, not looking forward to this conversation. There were a lot of trials to come with matchmaking and less difficult, but still incredibly trying, with Grady. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic by @bookreader209 - Chapter 1 Before you were born. Thats not a healthy relationship, and if you cant acknowledge that, then I dont want to keep trying to be friends when Im the only one putting in any effort. But not everyone had spoken yet, and she turned to face Fitz and Dex, wondering what they were thinking. kenyon murray daughter Menu Toggle. "No. Read from the story ; a Sokeefe human AU by -CANOODLE (cherry ?!) Hes become a less and less dependable friend, and with the way hes been acting this trip, I just gave up trying to keep our relationship intact. "Foster and the Fitzy!". You cant blame yourself for what they do. Sophie reached towards his hand, but he blocked her. What do you want with me now? he said sarcastically, I though youd be spending all youre time with your new boyfriend. Nothing huge, I just wanted to make sure everything between us was okay., Bianas forehead crinkled up, her face confused. You messed up majorly, and sometimes theres no going back to how things used to be., I know, I know. Benji rolled his eyes and Aurnia slapped his arm. Sophie followed him, a small smile tickling her face as they headed to the beach. with 481 reads. Colorful awnings to shade the tourists swept across the large windows in front of each shop. When he finally reclined on a beach chair near Sophie, she decided to interrogate him on where he had gone until dinner time. #quarantine UPDATE: Keefes joke. Three Two One! As he counted down, everyone prepared to open their gifts, and when he hit one, they all looked inside the black boxes. Biana just had to find the perfect dress for Sophie, and you know how long that normally takes. I cant believe its already so late Sophie remarked, looking up at the night sky. She shouldnt be thinking of Fitz right now. They broke apart as Keefe carried her over to sit on the bed. Grabbing a sweater, Sophie left the room and entered the hallway, where Keefe was waiting. She drew her gaze back to the movie, seeing Keefe looking at her. Just a bunch of SoKeefe one shots cause theyre too cute to not write about them. Sophie plopped down on the sand, feeling the warmth of the heat seeping into the sand from the sun. Ill tell you what's wrong with you: absolutely nothing. After finishing, he turned and walked down to the elevators, pausing several feet away to let her catch up. Were going to be a bad match., Foster, Foster, Foster. Keefe took her hand in his, and she could tell how fast her heart was beating. It wasnt fear, or jealousy, for once she didnt mind Fitz ignoring her. Im just looking out for you guys. #alwaysopentosuggestionsorcomments Cora, I know we just met you, but I wanted to make sure you felt part of the group, her ring was a striking green emerald, and she looked back and forth between it and Keefe several times before saying, Wow. She didnt want to do anything to risk her already shaky relationship with Fitz. #fitzonlycaresaboutthematchlists SoKeefe One-Shots by Smiles1001 142K 1.7K 34 He turned towards her side of the bed, snaked his arms around her waist, and slide his leg between hers, kissing the back of her neck lightly until she started to wake. You know, I used to think you were a good friend, but Im starting to realize you can be pretty selfish. She frowned and put her own arms around his torso holding him against her. The one where we, yknow Sophie started talking to Dex, figuring this would be the least embarrassing way to spill the news. That's one way to put it, Keefe replied, looking slightly puzzled, On the bright side, it would be nice to have my best friend back. Sophie and her friends sat eating candy while listening to Cora as she went over the plan. Bianas approval made her heart feel even lighter, the recognition meaning more to her than she wouldve ever guessed. I got everything together by myself, but I couldnt have gotten away for so long without Dexs help. Im kinda dumb like that sometimes. Fitz stepped forward, staring into Sophies eyes intensely. Youre welcome! Keefe called from her room as he started after her. Kinda. :D (All characters belong to Shannon Messenger). Everything went smoothly, though Biana did receive some odd looks from the cashier when she set down all of her clothes. First off, the Neverseen are trying to kidnap her friends. Everyone else- sure! He pulled out seven more identical boxes, tossing them to each one of his friends, even giving one to Tam, and saving one last box for himself. The plane is stopping now. ! Linh asked, her voice several octaves higher than it was usually. CONTAINS SPOILERS The title basically tells you everything you need to know, but here are some short and sweet, semi-related SoKeefe stories! Bye! Sophie flustered and sprinted off down the beach, leaving her friends in the distance. All I cared about was that you felt okay. Sandor and their other bodyguards wouldve been just a little too conspicuous. Good. Im glad youve come to the same conclusion I did., Yeah, me too. Well, are we waiting for something or are we going? Keefe declared. As Sophie reclined her seat on the airplane, she reached into her suitcase and pulled out the airplane pillow shed bought at the airport gift shop. And that's when Sophie had found him. Hey guys! Meanwhile, Biana, Dex, and Fitz wandered off to look at different parts of the airport. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. She felt Keefe stiffen in surprise before he relaxed, draping his arm around her shoulders. I- I um Keefe stuttered, I like you Sophie.. Or paper and pens to draw? Sophie whisper-shouted back. Check. He had done the same thing on the airplane, but that was just a coincidence, since he didnt know much about human food. Whats up? Biana asked as they walked down towards the water. Good for you. Biana took Sophies hand and walked her back to their group of friends. I said that I didnt care if you wanted to find your bio parents, or if you didnt want to think about them ever again. "Yeah, I understand that. Keefe smiled at her, the kind of grin that lit up his entire face and made her smile with him. Thoughts racing, Sophie tried to come up with a reply that would explain the way she felt toward her friend. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. She would deal with them when she had time. Seriously, how did Verdi get that dirty? Sophie reached towards his hand and this time he didnt let go. Cuddling for Comfort, an attack on titan/ fanfic | FanFiction It definitely wasn't, the words were barely audible but they made all the difference. He pulled her into a hug and she melted into his arms. She handed Keefe his snacks as she opened the bag of potato chips. He turned around opening his eyes, just as the song reached the highest note. Hi! Madly, Sophie said with an obvious eye roll. Sophie felt the guilt radiating off of her in waves, and she was sure Keefe could feel it too. Keefe gasped under Sophie. "You know you liked it, and who needs homework when you've got me to occupy your time?" In the middle of it all was a single candle glowing with a pulsing light. Gate 8 now boarding, all passengers of flight 16b to Kauai please report to Gate 8. The attendant repeated, their voice amplified by the speakers overhead. Yep, she said nervously, biting her lip to keep from laughing. Oh, sorry. Even though she felt bad about being so harsh, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. And that's not all- Alden Vacker- someone who'd been looking for her's mind is broken. Or is our status as Cognates finally important enough to pay attention to? Sophie could already tell this wasnt going to end well, but she had to at least try. Something Sophie just couldnt put her finger on. I missed the pasta scene! Having a photographic memory really comes in handy sometimes. Sophie felt her mind stretch as she imagined the airport, and the next thing everyone knew, they had landed in a small clearing several blocks away from the entrance. Truth or Dare/Sleepover A SoKeefe fan fiction story | Fandom Each suite had two bathrooms, two bedrooms, each with two beds, and a small living room and kitchen space. And however much I want to, I cant just give you some custard bursts and a half thought out apology. At least Keefe was stuck . These mustve been so expensive. Ill have on Tropical Twist please, Linh came up beside her, and ordered the same thing, saying. Agh, Im sorry, this wasnt how it was supposed to go. Sure, Cora giggled, I can show you all the best stores.. The only way out now was to tell the truth. Im sorry. Then, all of a sudden, her bedroom door burst open. You would do that? Keefe asked in delight, grabbing Sophies plate and swapping it for his. What did you buy at the boutique Keefe?. + The party started to the baggage claim, the human girl still close behind. Sophies heart beat faster, rushing with guilt and sadness. "Sophie, stop stressing out. No buts. Though simple by elven standards, it was still too bright and shimmery for her tastes. Sophie yelped into his mouth as he picked her up easily. Cool, Ive kind of always wanted to try this iPod thingy, He said with a grin. Yeah, this is for us. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction. Sorry, its going to be the most private place there, Sophie said with a small cringe. Sophie looked up and down at the dress incredulously. She doesn't have a crush on me anymore, and she said she's happy for us. Sophie Im sorry I just wanted to-, Protect me? Of course it was. "I'm so excited. Did I hear my name? I don't know how you can stand to be even friends with me, Sophie said softly, her gaze shifting to her shoes. Ok I agree. Sophie was in her giant room in her new home, Sunrose, getting ready for her wedding. Good for you, Keefe. Unsurprisingly, she had already changed into a cute pink bikini she had bought online with the help of Dex. It looks pretty bad.. It makes no sense why not just wear a jacket or no jacket if its too hot?. Her insides were butterflies with excitement for the trip with her friends. Where did you get that scar? Cora asked suspiciously, looking at the stab wound that Dimitar had given Keefe during their spar. She was too excited he was actually ALIVE, to feel anything but relief and joy. Hope you enjoy!!! I couldnt care less if you understand human things, what matters it that you tried, okay?. For now, they didn't exist. And don't you forget it, Sophie told him, in mock seriousness, though she might've been just alittlesmug about beating Keefe. shortstory love stellarlune +22 more # 6 Seventeen | Soulmate AU | by 359K 8.7K 60 Do boyfriends and girlfriends hold hands? But even if they suspect something, I dont think nows the best time to tell everyone. Soooo.. Keefe said after a nervous and awkward silence. Just friends? Sorry Fitz, but youre too late. #butwerecongnates Thats kind of weird, isnt it? she asked. Any suggestions on what to do next? Biana asked. The Kotlc gang has grown up and have kids of their own, and while the Neverseen may be gone, danger is ever-present. I. really like you. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic by @bookreader209 - Chapter 6 Right now though, its you. The human girl smiledwith a small laugh. The torso was beaded and I gotta say, she looked spectacular. Maybe hell warm up to the idea? Keefe asked hopefully. He gave her a half smile, and she couldn't hold it in any longer. Im sure that Biana will be totally cool with it, but you should talk to her at some point. Yessss! Biana exclaimed. But arent you going to be cold? she inquired, not letting him change the subject. I know its not going to be easy. I just don't feel that way about you.. II love you. A Sokeefe Fanfic | Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki | Fandom Kotlc sokeefe Stories - Wattpad There is one thing though, is there nothing on this? Do boyfriends and girlfriends talk to each other about personal problems? Soon, it became apparent that the pasta wasnt going to stay in just one piece. But how she felt with Keefe? Keefe butted in, his perfect hair running in Sophie's face. Now lighter than air, Sophie turned to follow Keefe back to the beach. He's doing his hair, you should go in and get him. It seemed even more magical now, in the warm light of the room, than it had before. He had gotten a stack of waffles, piled high with fruit and whipped cream. Sophie is only about to be seventeen and finds out the reason she can hear people's thoughts is that she's an elf. Sophie blushed as she asked, What? Keefe smiled. You're so light!" She rolled her eyes, but kissed him again. Several hours passed, and when Sophie opened her eyes again, Keefe was nowhere in sight. Edaline glared at them and they both looked down in guilt. She shifted her eyes over to where Fitz and Biana were sitting. Fitz was saved from replying as Dex leapt onto the property. Sophie Foster is confused. Ill take being carried by beams of light any time., As a few heads turned, Sophie quickly replied, As much as I would want that movie to be true too, it looks like were stuck with airplanes, right Keefe?. Sophie, weve been doing this for at least two hours, and you havent even gotten a single thing! Biana gestured to Sophies growing pile of rejected clothes, which almost rivaled the stack of dresses Biana had picked. Sophie sat at her desk in her bedroom, staring at her homework assignment, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His eyes went wide and Biana's smile grew and he yanked his hand out of Sophie's, promptly waking her up. Yeah, I remember, Dex muttered quickly, his ears turning as red as Sophies cheeks. Ok, just get something you like, Ill probably like it too. He said, not looking up from the iPod. Sophie suspected hed be in for amucheasier discussion than she was. The wheels touched the ground softly, as the plane screamed to a slower pace with an ear-shattering rumble. Hey you know that none of this is your fault. Or, at least Dex will. It was the dress she had bought during Bianas shopping spree several days ago. Keefe sighed in obvious relief, his previous embarrassment disappearing. Okay, she replied, too caught up in her thoughts to say anything more. Yep, we're just waiting on Keefe. I'm so glad you like it; your opinion is the only one that really matters to me. She hadnt touched it since, figuring there would be a time for it eventually. also all these characters belong to Shannon Messenger the author of kotlc so yeah :) The cover art is Not mine. The candle Keefe had set on the overturned barrel flickered softly in the evening light. Keefes cheeks flushed with a twinge of red as he whispered back, Sorry, this is just weird. A few weeks later, Sophie realized something that turns her world upside down. Theres no reasonable explanation for why we arent off the plane already.. You have potato chip crumbs on your face, He said as he reached up to brush them off her cheek. It had small straps and was about knee length. Yeah, Im fine. Deep inside, Sophie felt something stir. Soooooo, she said awkwardly, Are you ready now?. IDK. As they strolled down the road, Keefe stopped. Do you want something else? he inquired, noticing her staring at his plate. The story is done, but any feedback would still be appreciated. I think Ill have a rainbow flavor. I dont mind, just the fact that you tried makes me happy. Besides, hell warm up to you eventually once he gets used to us. He flushed redder than shed ever seen him blush before. Ive come to realize that whenever I get angry, I tend to take it out on you, and thats not okay. Didn't see you there Foster, he mumbled, his eyes dropping to the ground in embarrassment. Right now, it just felt safer to wait and see. No, Sophie, she told herself. Besides, Im not sure the kiss wouldve worked out as well as it did in the movie., Thanks for understanding. All these human things are so confusing to me, and you know so much, I just feel so stupid and-, Keefe. Sophie reached out a hand and rested it on his shoulder, getting his attention and stopping him from getting even more mad at himself. It was small, with a very classy logo indicating something fancy and expensive. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic @bookreader209 Sophie is dealing with a TON of emotional drama. Keefe is this whole plate one piece of pasta? Sophie asked suspiciously, as ridiculous as it sounded. "No. Sophie whispered, running her free hand through his carefully styled hair. "Come snuggle with me instead.". If we teleported, we would basically give elves away to everyone around us by falling out of the sky.. This flight is like 6 hours.. I know yesterday didnt go so well, but I really did want to talk and see if we can make things better between us.. Rated M because of stuff in the beginning. Their lips touched, and she heard Keefe squeak, not that different from what Dex had done during her first kiss. Why would I be mad at you? Keefe reached over their makeshift table, identical to the one from the movie scene he had not so subtly recreated. 8 letters Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction Yeah, youre right. Why is this taking so long? Fitz remarked, turning back to look at his friends. I dont want to find out who my biological dad is though, which means theres no chance Im every going to be able to be matched. By this time tomorrow well be on the plane back to San Francisco, so today was our last chance for us to be truly alone together. We were We saw a sea turtle! Keefe blurted out, and Sophie resisted the urge to facepalm at his bad acting. Now, try this one on.. And I never will. Keefe finished, letting go of Sophies hand. Sophie retaliated by lightly shoving him off the path, forcing him to grab her shoulder for balance. Fun Fandom KotLC Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. After a few seconds, she started to realize just how long the strand of pasta was.
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