The English translation in the Oratory Series is also rather inadequate. She was told to write it down and show it to the director of the convent, that is to Falcoia himself. In December, 1724, he received minor orders, and the subdiaconate in September, 1725. Alphonsus had still one final storm to meet, and then the end. Filangieri forbade any change of rule and removed Falcoia from all communication with the convent. The "Moral Theology", after a historical introduction by the Saint's friend, P. Zaccaria, S.J., which was omitted, however, from the eighth and ninth editions, begins with a treatise "De Conscientia", followed by one "De Legibus". From the year 1759 two former benefactors of the Congregation, Baron Sarnelli and Francis Maffei, by one of those changes not uncommon in Naples, had become its bitter enemies, and waged a vendetta against it in the law courts which lasted for twenty-four years. The rudder is humility, which, in the intellect, is a realization of our own unworthiness, and in the will, docility to right guidance. The Glories of Mary ( Italian: Le glorie di Maria) is a classic book in the field of Roman Catholic Mariology, written during the 18th century by Saint Alphonsus Liguori, a Doctor of the Church . Bishop, Doctor of the Church, and the founder of the Redemptorist Congregation. He was not afraid of making up his mind. He was a lawyer by the time he was 16 years old! It happened that Alphonsus, ill and overworked, had gone with some companions to Scala in the early summer of 1730. The early years, following the founding of the new order, were not promising. This is the great question of "Probabilism". The boy was bright and quick beyond his years, and made great progress in all kinds of learning. Don Joseph de' Liguori had his faults. 1. Thank you. Alphonsus was lawyer, founder, religious superior, bishop, theologian, and mystic, but he was above all a missionary, and no true biography of the Saint will neglect to give this due prominence. This document gives you the case." His father opposed the plan, but after two months (and with his Oratorian confessor's permission), he and his father compromised: he would study for the priesthood, but not as an Oratorian, and would live at home. But we must not push resemblances too far. A prolific writer, he published nine editions of his Moral Theology in his lifetime, in addition to other devotional and ascetic works and letters. The suffering which this brought on Alphonsus, with his sensitive and high-strung disposition, was very great, besides what was worse, the relaxation of discipline and loss of vocations which it caused in the Order itself. Alphonsus was one of the leading counsel; we do not know on which side. After practicing law for eight years, he was ordained a priest in 1726. Thus was he left free for his real work, the founding of a new religious congregation. (1913). In February, 1775, however, Pius VI was elected Pope, and the following May he permitted the Saint to resign his see. According to this view he chose a different formula from the Jesuit writers, partly because he thought his own terms more exact, and, partly to save his teaching and his congregation as far as possible from the State persecution which after 1764 had already fallen so heavily on the Society of Jesus, and in 1773 was formally to suppress it. A few months later Alphonsus left his father's house and went to live with Ripa, without, however, becoming a member of his society. He was thinking of leaving the profession and wrote to someone, "My friend, our profession is too full of difficulties and dangers; we lead an unhappy life and run risk of dying an unhappy death". The third book deals with the Ten Commandments, the fourth with the monastic and clerical states, and the duties of judges, advocates, doctors, merchants, and others. He remained thunderstruck for a moment; then said in a broken voice: "You are right. He opposed sterile legalism and strict rigourism. Alphonsus, however, was unflagging in his efforts with the Court. Clarence F. Galli. . This has recently been translated into English with additions and corrections (Dublin, 2 vols., royal SVO); DUMORTIER, Les premihres Redemptoristines (Lille, 1886), and Le Phre Antoine-Marie Tannoia (Paris, 1902), contain some useful information; as does BERRUTI, Lo Spirito di S. Alfonso Maria de Liguori, 3 ed. On the other hand, ever since the Fall of Man, the will of man has been his greatest danger. From 1726 to 1752, first as a member of the Neapolitan "Propaganda", and then as a leader of his own Fathers, he traversed the provinces of Naples for the greater part of each year giving missions even in the smallest villages and saving many souls. Other saints and servants of God were those of Alphonsus's own household, the lay brother, St. Gerard Majella, who died in 1755, and Januarius Sarnelli, Csar Sportelli, Dominic Blasucci, and Maria Celeste, all of whom have been declared "Venerable" by the Church. This submission altered the original rule, and as a result Alphonsus was denied any authority among the Redemptorists. It was all-important to the Fathers to be able to rebut the charge of being an illegal religious congregation, which was one of the chief allegations in the ever-adjourned and ever-impending action by Baron Sarnelli. If civil courts could not decide against a defendant on greater probability, but had to wait, as a criminal court must wait, for moral certainty, many actions would never be decided at all. Sarnelli was almost openly supported by the all-powerful Tanucci, and the suppression of the Congregation at last seemed a matter of days, when on 26 October, 1776, Tanucci, who had offended Queen Maria Carolina, suddenly fell from power. . [5] He remarked later that he was so small at the time that he was almost buried in his doctor's gown and that all the spectators laughed. The extreme difficulty of the lifelong work of fashioning a saint consists precisely in this, that every act of virtue the saint performs goes to strengthen his character, that is, his will. Then the storm subsided, and he began to see that his humiliation had been sent him by God to break down his pride and wean him from the world. Alphonsus being so old and so inform he was eighty-five, crippled, deaf, and nearly blind his one chance of success was to be faithfully served by friends and subordinates, and he was betrayed at every turn. In addition, he published many editions of compendiums of his larger work, such as the "Homo Apostolicus", made in 1759. Imprimatur. He was somewhat worldly and ambitious, at any rate for his son, and was rough tempered when opposed. One branch of the new Institute seen by Falcoia in vision was thus established. Dissension within the congregation culminated in 1777 when he was deceived into signing what he thought was a royal sanction for his rule. He died on the very eve of the great Revolution which was to sweep the persecutors away, having seen in vision the woes which the French invasion of 1798 was to bring on Naples. In 1950 he was named patron saint of moralists and confessors by Pope Pius XII. Paths to Heaven; Revelations. St. Alphonsus Liguori, in full Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Alphonsus also spelled Alfonso, (born September 27, 1696, Marianella, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]died August 1, 1787, Pagani; canonized 1839; feast day August 1), Italian doctor of the church, one of the chief 18th-century moral theologians, and founder of the Redemptorists, a congregation dedicated primarily to parish and foreign missions. St. Alphonsus Liguori, in full Saint Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori, Alphonsus also spelled Alfonso, (born September 27, 1696, Marianella, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]died August 1, 1787, Pagani; canonized 1839; feast day August 1), Italian doctor of the church, one of the chief 18th-century moral theologians, and founder of the Redemptorists, a This article was transcribed for New Advent by Paul T. Crowley. Preaching, Eugene Grimm ed., Benziger Brothers, New York, 1887, Liguori, Alphonsus. Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! As it was, he was refused the royal exequatur to the Brief of Benedict XIV, and State recognition of his Institute as a religious congregation till the day of his death. Alphonsus wrote profusely on moral, theological, and ascetical subjects [notably his Moral Theology], was constantly engaged in combating anticlericalism and Jansenism, and was involved in several controversies over . His father, already displeased at the failure of two plans for his son's marriage, and exasperated at Alphonsus's present neglect of his profession, was likely to offer a strenuous opposition to his leaving the world. The fifth book has two treatises "De Actibus Humanis" and "De Peccatis"; the sixth is on the sacraments, the seventh and last on the censures of the Church. A piece of evidence was handed to him which he had read and re-read many times, but always in a sense the exact contrary of that which he now saw it to have. In the second edition the work received the definite form it has since retained, though in later issues the Saint retracted a number of opinions, corrected minor ones, and worked at the statement of his theory of Equiprobabilism till at last he considered it complete. As it was traditionally associated with the zampogna, or large-format Italian bagpipe, it became known as Canzone d'i zampognari, the "Carol of the Bagpipers". You have overlooked a document which destroys your whole case." Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. On 23 October of the same year, 1723, the Saint put on the clerical dress. It was through Louis Florent Gillet, Redemptorist priest and co-founder of the Sisters of IHM that we have been gifted with the legacy of St. Alphonsus Liguori. In the eight years of his career as advocate, years crowded with work, he is said never to have lost a case. A star preacher, he called his fellow sermonizers on the carpet for sermons of "empty, rumbling rhetoric" or "flashy . In his new abode he met a friend of his host's, Father Thomas Falcoia, of the Congregation of the "Pii Operarii" (Pious Workers), and formed with him the great friendship of his life. His friend the Grand Almoner betrayed him; his two envoys for negotiating with the Grand Almoner, Fathers Majone and Cimino, betrayed him, consultors general though they were. MIRACLES RELATED BY ST. ALPHONSUS LIGUORI from his book The Glories of Mary Some persons, boasting of being free from prejudices, take great credit to themselves for believing no miracles but those recorded in the holy scriptures, esteeming all others as tales and fables for foolish women. Transcription. Other personal friends of Alphonsus were the Jesuit Fathers de Matteis, Zaccaria, and Nonnotte. In the end a compromise was arrived at. Were the vehement things in his letters and writings, especially in the matter of rebuke or complaint, to appraised as if uttered by an Anglo-Saxon in cold blood, we might be surprised and even shocked. Learn interesting facts and tidbits about the beloved St. Patrick. St. Alphonsus does not offer as much directly to the student of mystical theology as do some contemplative saints who have led more retired lives. His sermons were very effective at converting those who had been alienated from their faith. St. Alphonsus Liguori was a bishop and moral theologian living and preaching in Naples in the eighteenth century. In 1731, the convent unanimously adopted the new Rule, together with a habit of red and blue, the traditional colours of Our Lord's own dress. Daily Reading for Sunday, March 5th, 2023, Continue reading about St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori, Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting: The Three Pillars of Lent. He who ruled and directed others so wisely, had, where his own soul was concerned, to depend on obedience like a little child. The eighteenth century was one series of great wars; that of the Spanish, Polish, and Austrian Succession; the Seven Years' War, and the War of American Independence, ending with the still more gigantic struggles in Europe, which arose out of the events of 1789. Raised in a pious home, Alphonsus went on retreats with his father, Don Joseph, who was a naval officer and a captain of the Royal Galleys. In September of the next year he received the tonsure and soon after joined the association of missionary secular priests called the "Neapolitan Propaganda", membership of which did not entail residence in common. At the age of sixteen, on 21 January, 1713, he took his degree as Doctor of Laws, although twenty was the age fixed by the statutes. Tradues em contexto de "Mary of Liguori" en ingls-portugus da Reverso Context : The Holy Church honors the priest and the priest must honor the Church with the holiness of his life - proposed St. Alphonsus Mary of Liguori on the day of his Ordination - with zeal, with work and with decorum. He continued to live with the Redemptorist community in Pagani, Italy, where he died on 1 August 1787. Feast day: August 1. On 3 October, 1731, the eve of the feast of St. Francis, she saw Our Lord with St. Francis on His right hand and a priest on His left. Alphonsus's father, Don Joseph de' Liguori was a naval officer and Captain of the Royal Galleys. That legacy is the participation in the redemptive mission of Jesus. The cause of this was "regalism", the omnipotence of kings even in matters spiritual, which was the system of government in Naples as in all the Bourbon States. Here he discovered more than thirty thousand uninstructed men and women and four hundred indifferent priests. The immediate author of what was practically a lifelong persecution of the Saint was the Marquis Tanucci, who entered Naples in 1734. This involves expressing our faith in Christ and in His Presence in the Eucharist, and asking Him to unite Himself with us. But Alphonsus's director, Father Pagano; Father Fiorillo, a great Dominican preacher; Father Manulio, Provincial of the Jesuits; and Vincent Cutica, Superior of the Vincentians, supported the young priest, and, 9 November, 1732, the "Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer", or as it was called for seventeen years, "of the Most Holy Saviour", was begun in a little hospice belonging to the nuns of Scala. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. said Alphonsus somewhat piqued. He said himself that he was so small at the time as to be almost buried in his doctor's gown and that all the spectators laughed. When the day came the future Saint made a brilliant opening speech and sat down confident of victory. A pure and modest boyhood passed into a manhood without reproach. The answer is that God kept him humble by interior trials. See also HASSALL, The Balance of Power (1715-89) (London, 1901); COLLETTA, History of the Kingdom of Naples, 1734-1825, 2 vols., tr. I will love you all my life. Alphonsus, assisted by divine grace, did not disappoint his father's care. He died peacefully on August 1,1787, at Nocera di Pagani, near Naples as the Angelus was ringing. Corrections? [16] The 21,500 editions and the translations into 72 languages that his works have undergone attest to the fact that he is one of the most widely-read Catholic authors. It has a tendency at every moment to deflect, and if it does deflect from the right path, the greater the momentum the more terrible the final crash. His best plan would have been to consult the Holy See, but in this he had been forestalled. This was in 1780, when Alphonsus was eighty-three years old. In 1949, the Redemptorists founded the Alphonsian Academy for the advanced study of Catholic moral theology. St. Alphonsus tell us: "Modern heretics make a mockery of wearing the Scapular, they decry it as so much trifling nonsense." Yet many of the popes have approved and recommended it. St Alphonsus Mary Liguori and Prayer. It was this which gave St. Alphonsus the bent head which we notice in the portraits of him. It is a matter for friendly controversy, but it seems there was a real difference, though not as great in practice as is supposed, between the Saint's later teaching and that current in the Society. The eighteenth century was not an age remarkable for depth of spiritual life, yet it produced three of the greatest missionaries of the Church, St. Leonard of Port Maurice, St. Paul of the Cross, and St. Alphonsus Liguori. To supplement this, God allowed him in the last years of his life to fall into disgrace with the pope, and to find himself deprived of all external authority, trembling at times even for his eternal salvation. A fearful commotion arose. Falcoia, hearing of this, begged his friend to give a retreat to the nuns of his Conservatorium at the same time. This combination of practical common sense with extraordinary energy in administrative work ought to make Alphonsus, if he were better known, particularly attractive to the English-speaking nations, especially as he is so modern a saint. He knew that trials were before him. Colletta's book gives the best general picture of the time, but is marred by anti-clerical bias. His own prayer was perhaps for the most part what some call "active", others "ordinary", contemplation. This is a historic Catholic Church in mid-town St. Louis. Much of the material for a complete life of St. Alphonsus is still in manuscript in the Roman archives of the Redemptorist Congregation and in the archives of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars. "Banquets, entertainments, theatres," he wrote later on--"these are the pleasures of the world, but pleasures which are filled with the bitterness of gall and sharp thorns. Dedicated to Fr. Resuming the General Audiences after the summer break the last was held on 27 June in the Vatican the Pope . Description [ edit] The book was written at a time when some were criticizing Marian devotions, and was written in part as a defense of Marian devotion. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. By 1777, the Saint, in addition to four houses in Naples and one in Sicily, had four others at Scifelli, Frosinone, St. Angelo a Cupolo, and Beneventum, in the States of the Church. He was born Alphonsus Marie Antony John Cosmos Damien Michael Gaspard de Liguori on September 27,1696, at Marianella, near Naples, Italy. It is the following of Jesus as a community of disciples, aware that we are sent to be a clear . Filingeri, was made Archbishop of Naples, the Saint would not write to congratulate the new primate, even at the risk of making another powerful enemy for his persecuted Congregation, because he thought he could not honestly say he "was glad to hear of the appointment." If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. In 1731, while he was ministering to earthquake victims in the town of Foggia, Alphonsus said he had a vision of the Virgin Mother in the appearance of a young girl of 13 or 14, wearing a white veil. But he overcame his depression, and he experienced visions, performed miracles, and gave prophecies. I have been mistaken. Nine editions of the "Moral Theology" appeared in the Saint's life-time, those of 1748, 1753-1755, 1757, 1760, 1763, 1767, 1773, 1779, and 1785, the "Annotations to Busembaum" counting as the first. St. Paul of the Cross (1694-1775) and St. Alphonsus, who were altogether contemporaries, seem never to have met on earth, though the founder of the Passionists was a great friend of Alphonsus's uncle, Mgr. He felt as if his career was ruined, and left the court almost beside himself, saying: "World, I know you now. He knew how to reach ordinary people who had limited education and very real needs. Naples had been part of the dominions of Spain since 1503, but in 1708 when Alphonsus was twelve years old, it was conquered by Austria during the war of the Spanish Succession. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Paul T. Crowley. But as he drew up a rule for them, formed from that of the Visitation nuns, he does not seem to have had any clear idea of establishing the new institute of his vision. He both made and kept a vow not to lose a single moment of time. His spirituality was both affective and active, centered above all on the passion of Jesus Christ as the principal sign of our Savior's love for us. At all events, it proved disastrous in the result. At the worst, it was only the scaffolding by which the temple of perfection was raised. According to him, those were paths closed to the Gospel because "such rigour has never been taught nor practised by the Church". He had a pleasant smile, and his conversation was very agreeable, yet he had great dignity of manner. In fact, in the beginning, the young priest in his humility would not be Superior even of the house, judging one of his companions, John Baptist Donato, better fitted for the post because he had already had some experience of community life in another institute. Alphonsus Mary Antony John Cosmas Damian Michael Gaspard de' Liguori was born in his father's country house at Marianella near Naples, on Tuesday, 27 September, 1696. Even the baleful shadow of Voltaire falls across the Saint's life, for Alphonsus wrote to congratulate him on a conversion, which alas, never took place! The "Glories of Mary", "The Selva", "The True Spouse of Christ", "The Great Means of Prayer", "The Way of Salvation", "Opera Dogmatica, or History of the Council of Trent", and "Sermons for all the Sundays in the Year", are the best known. A long process followed in the Court of Rome, and on 22 September, 1780, a provisional Decree, which on 24 August, 1781, was made absolute, recognized the houses in the Papal States as alone constituting the Redemptorist Congregation. Then God called him to his life work. "St. Alphonsus Liguori". Printable Catholic Saints PDFs A centenary edition, Lettere di S. Alfonso Maria de'Liguori (ROME, 1887, 3 vols. The Government throughout had recognized the good effect of his missions, but it wished the missionaries to be secular priests and not a religious order. He had nearly completed his ninety-first year. Pure probabilism likens it to a criminal trial, in which the jury must find in favour of liberty (the prisoner at the bar) if any single reasonable doubt whatever remain in its favour. In 1725, while still a novice, she had a series of visions in which she saw a new order (apparently of nuns only) similar to that revealed to Falcoia many years before. " Wonderful worship experience ". St. Alphonsus Liguori, the Prince of Moral Theologians, was one of the greatest preachers in Church history. He founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists). He had a love for the lower animals, and wild creatures who fled from all else would come to him as to a friend. In early manhood he became very fond of the opera, but only that he might listen to the music, for when the curtain went up he took his glasses off, so as not to see the players distinctly. Here he laid his sword before the statue of Our Lady, and made a solemn resolution to enter the ecclesiastical state, and furthermore to offer himself as a novice to the Fathers of the Oratory. The eighteenth century was not an age remarkable for depth of spiritual life, yet it produced three of the greatest missionaries of the Church, St. Leonard of Port Maurice, St. Paul of the Cross, and St. Alphonsus Liguori. These form the first book of the work, while the second contains the treatises on Faith, Hope, and Charity. One of the most widely read Catholic authors, he is the patron saint of confessors. To prevent the ship going to pieces on the rocks, it has need of a very responsive rudder, answering to the slightest pressure of Divine guidance. Psychologically, Alphonsus may be classed among twice-born souls; that is to say, there was a definitely marked break or conversion, in his life, in which he turned, not from serious sin, for that he never committed, but from comparative worldliness, to thorough self-sacrifice for God. Many years before, in Rome, Falcoia had been shown a vision of a new religious family of men and women whose particular aim should be the perfect imitation of the virtues of Our Lord. (London, 1904). It would be a sacrilege to say otherwise." "Alphonsus was of middle height", says his first biographer, Tannoia; "his head was rather large, his hair black, and beard well-grown." Alphonsus' last illness and Deaths 548 CHAPTER XXXVII. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. In response, Alphonsus dedicated himself to the religious life, even while suffering persecution from his family. The Fathers in the Papal States, with too precipitate zeal, in the very beginning denounced the change of Rule to Rome. Quite recently, a duet composed by him, between the Soul and God, was found in the British Museum bearing the date 1760 and containing a correction in his own handwriting. In theology Liguori is known as the principal exponent of equiprobabilism, a system of principles designed to guide the conscience of one in doubt as to whether he or she is free from or bound by a given civil or religious law. His intercession healed the sick; he read the secrets of hearts, and foretold the future. His writings on moral, theological, and ascetic matters had great impact and have survived through the years, especially his Moral Theology and his Glories of Mary. He was a lawyer, not only during his years at the Bar, but throughout his whole life--a lawyer, who to skilled advocacy and an enormous knowledge of practical detail added a wide and luminous hold of underlying principles. About three years before his death he went through a veritable "Night of the Soul". The poor advocate turned pale. [4] He was ordained on 21 December 1726, at the age of 30. The favors and graces by which God attested his sanctity 526 CHAPTER XXXVI. In a riot which took place during the terrible famine that fell upon Southern Italy in 1764, he saved the life of the syndic of St. Agatha by offering his own to the mob. As he did not die till 1808 (his work appeared in 1799) he was a companion of the Saint for over forty years and an eyewitness of much that he relates. St. Alphonsus as a moral theologian occupies the golden mean between the schools tending either to laxity or to rigour which divided the theological world of his time. But he was a man of genuine faith and piety and stainless life, and he meant his son to be the same. Could he have been what an Anglo-Saxon would consider a miracle of calm, he would have seemed to his companions absolutely inhuman.
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